September 11, 1986

Brittany is still locked in her room. Peter pounded on the door and ordered her to open it. No response. He threatened to come in.

Felicia gave Adam her research. They want to get Reginald.

Reginald told Mitch he wanted him to get Mac. Mitch refused to wreck his parole. Reginald tried to goad him into it. Mitch was not swayed. Reginald whined about Brava "that rag he calls a newsmagazine." HA. He threatened to send him back to jail if he didn't cooperate.

Felicia's eager to get out the next installment about Reginald. What if he murdered Mary?

MJ fretted about Pops. Adam promised to keep it quiet as long as possible. He and Cass forbade Kathleen to get involved. MJ told Adam after they left that she didn't want to date him or investigate with him. A man came in and told them it wasn't safe to cross Reginald. He is Mr Jacobs, a Love guard.

Reginald wants Mitch to phone a reporter with information about Mac. Enter Scott. Exit Mitch. Reginald pled with him saying he wanted them to be a real family and him to convince Mary to leave town.

Peter got in and told Brittany to be a little more devoted 24 hours a day.

Cass took Kathleen to lunch and told Wallingford he wanted to reserve their table forever.

Felicia (having run into Al Edwards at Brava, he works there, he's Julie's father) took Julie aside and said, "Hey baby, you have a B.A. in English, you're fired, get yourself on over to Cory publishing and get a B.A.- in-English-type job. (I AM FURIOUS.)

Mitch made arrangements with someone to do something to Mac and Felicia.

Mr Jacobs was too vague to be any help. Bridget cruised in with Reginald's receipts and personal papers, suggesting that Adam look at them alone.

Scott told Reginald he'd visited the newly engaged to Jake and Marley with Marissa. Reginald did not approve. He kept on about how much he loved him and Marissa and couldn't bear to lose them. Scott said he loved him. Reginald asked him to keep her from seeing the rest of the Loves. Scott said it couldn't be done. He phoned Peter and yelled at him for working for Mac. Brittany tried again to rat on him to Reginald.

Mitch sat around in the Northwoods Inn. Felicia recognised him as Rachel's nuisance and got friendly.

Julie dropped by Brava. Al introduced her to Mac and told him she had a College Degree and she was working as a waitress and what was he going to do about it? Mac hired her. (I screamed. I AM FURIOUS. MY THROAT HURTS. I didn't know English was Fine Arts. I thought it was just plain arts, B.A., Bachelor of Arts.) Some sneaky people chuckled evilly when Mac left the room with the Edwardses.

Reginald perceived that Brittany was afraid of Peter. She told him she'd see him as soon as she could get away. She told the baby they'd get far away from Peter and never come back.

Peter phoned Mac and yelled at him about libel. Mac told him the story wasn't libel, merely the kind of news story that made Bravo what it is today.. Peter told him he wouldn't get away with it. Mac said he would not compromise Brava's journalistic integrity. (Quelle blague. Cosmo has never had any sort of integrity, lest it be Stephanie Brush.)

Peter found Brittany gone and the baby gurgling in his crib. He summoned Miss Weston and told her to take the baby and come with him.

They have the fingerprints of the entire Love staff in Reginald's papers. MJ was moved.

Ludwig is dead of natural causes. Felicia has her doubts about the natural part. She plied Mitch with drink and mentioned Rachel. He was suspicious. She told him Reginald Love had upset her by murdering her husband.

Cass gave Wallingford a vast sum of money with which to bet on a horse. Wallingford was grateful. Cass has a plan for Kathleen.

All the witnesses so far have been terrified of Reginald even after all this time. Adam has to go and meet a Miss Smith.

Brittany whined to Reginald about her rotten marriage. She said she and Peter didn't love each other and all she wanted was her freedom and her baby. Reginald suggested Peter might not want to part with his son. Before Brity could spring the Big News on him Peter stopped in and dismissed their little tiff lightly. Reginald asked why Brittany wanted a divorce. Peter said Brittany was just upset.

Kathleen asked where they were.

Felicia took her leave of Mitch.

Peter showed Reginald Brava and took Brittany on home. Outside he yelled at her and told her she'd never see her baby again.

Fire in the pressroom.


