November 11, 1986

Michael stomped into the room and suggested Victoria leave the room so he and Reginald could settle this. She protested.

Sara told Catlin as they dined at the Northwoods Inn that Brittany didn't seem scared anymore. Catlin approved. She told him Peter looked desperate. Enter Brittany.

Vince refused to dance with Mary. He said he was sorry but he couldn't. He walked off. MJ followed him and said Cass and Kathleen were jerks for asking so much of him. He went out to cool off. Adam found MJ and told her Mary was an innocent victim too. She brought up the infidelity. He said he thought Mary had paid the price. MJ said she didn't care what he thought, she cared how Pops felt. A police guy came in and told them a prostitute had been killed out back, same MO as Letty.

Donna was surprised to see Nicole home from school when she woke up then got back on track. Nicole told her Michael was swell and she was happy for her. Donna seemed subdued. She whispered urgently that she had to tell Michael to keep to the stables away from Daddy.

Victoria convinced Michael and That Old Carrot not to fight. Reginald asked what Michael had to offer her. Michael said he was her father and he wanted her to learn Values. Reginald said if she stayed in Bay City she could run her own company and be her own boss. Peter came in and advised her to stick with the Loves.

Sara babbled and babbled trying to explain she'd run into Caitlin, a friend of her parents, quite by accident. [I don't know why they go through all this trouble to cover up. Brittany saw them together at the party. And her contention was that her parents knew Catlin from the rodeo? How to know Catlin and not Brittany? A strong concept; I like it.] She fled. Brittany sat down with Catlin. She told him she was finally going to be free of Peter. She put her hand over his and suggested there could be hope for the two of them.

Matthew dragged Rachel off and made Mitch photograph them together. Then Matthew insisted they let him photograph them together. Mac looked funny. Ada told him it was only a picture. Cass cut in on Cheryl and Scott. She assured him she and Scott were only friends. He apologized for Insinuating Otherwise. (The sleeping bag incident confused his thoughts.) Mary thanked Kathleen and tried to leave. Kathleen insisted she stay with her and Cass until after the honeymoon. Mary gave her a brooch she'd had forever but didn't know the origins of. Kathleen recognized it as a McKinnon family heirloom which Mary had worn constantly as a McKinnon.

MJ got upset with Adam when she referred to the murdered prostitute as an innocent young girl and he said he wouldn't say innocent, exactly. A tear welled up in her eye and she told him that was insensitive. She stomped off.

Peter asked Nicole what she thought of his wife. She admitted (when pressed) that Brittany seemed very nervous. Peter told her Brittany was emotionally unstable. (He calls Nicole Nikki.) She used to be sweet and loving sometimes but never any more. She treats him like dirt. She's incapable of taking care of a child. He said he needed a favour.

Reginald told Victoria he wanted to make up to her those lost years. He made fun of Michael's claim that work is Good.

Matthew made Rachel photograph him with Mitch.

MJ apologized to Adam for exploding. He said she could explode at him if she wanted. She said she liked him. He convinced her to attend a Cory cocktail party tomorrow and to dance with him now. He was impressed. Rachel fled from Mitch when he bugged her about the music playing. (He'd given her the album all those years ago.)

Peter told Nicole he wanted her to keep an eye on Brittany for him. She refused.

Cass and Kathleen cut the cake. MJ attacked Scott and Cheryl about spending the night together. Cheryl took offence and dragged Scott off to the alley. She said her family didn't want her to grow up. They hid when Vince went past.

Brittany asked Caitlin if there were a chance for them. He stared down and hedged. She got more direct. He looked up and told her as gently as possible but there was no chance, although they could still be friends and he would do anything he could to help her and the baby.

Nicole sent Victoria and Michael up to see Donna. Michael attacked Donna and insisted she stay in bed. Life is swell. Lots of kissing. Victoria has somehow being mislaid. Enter Nicole. She apologized for interrupting. Donna made her stay although Michael tried to get rid of her. Donna said they had to plan the wedding. Michael refused to stay for that. Donna and Nicole launched a tickle attack. Everyone was laughing until Reginald put in an appearance and asked why all the merriment. Michael, ever cocky, told him it was about a wedding and wrote him an invitation on one of his business cards.

The reception limboed. Mac asked Rachel if they could leave. She said it wouldn't be polite to go before the bouquet. He told her bouquets were for Single Ladies. He left without her. Mitch lurked.

Peter went out to beat some sense into that bad horse. Brittany appeared and told him if he ever tried to strike another living thing he'd be history.

Cass was wearing the Coat as Kathleen attired in a huge fur [prepared to throw] the bouquet. She missed Cheryl.

Scott and Cheryl hung out in back together. Kissing.

Kathleen decided to do without Cheryl. A nun had to be forcibly restrained. [Excitable lot, these nuns.] Maisie caught the bouquet. [Cf Tom's wedding when Tom threw her bouquet, Kathleen caught it, panicked, and threw it to Cass, who threw it to Maisie.] Quoth she, "This is the 23rd bouquet I've caught. If this thing works it's sure taking its own sweet time." Cass and Kathleen fled as the rice flew.

Reginald decided he'd do anything to get Mary back. Gomez assured him Vince would be taken care of. [How stupid. She left him because he was what he was, not because she wanted to be with Vince particularly. What about the lies and the children?]

The party broke up. Vince gazed at the little bride and groom atop the cake. He closed up and left. A sinister stranger lurked nearby.


