Jake saw Victoria in Mary's Place and immediately became impossible to live with. Ada went out to talk to her.
Kathleen waitresses to forget. Felicia explained the concept of Cecile to Zane. He got an idea.
MJ and Adam look at each other funny. (Do I detect romance in the air?) Larry produced something. MJ was not pleased.
Cass makes an ungracious guest. He said all he wanted was to be allowed to go. Cecile said he could. He was suspicious, and rightly so. She was forced to admit there was no way off the island. The Redmonds are gone and their enemies are in the basement. He decided to take a stomp around the gardens ALONE. He told her she should realise she held no attraction for him whatsoever.
Larry had found that Cecile had been given clearance (like a truck). Adam decided he wants to talk to Kathleen. MJ told him not to. Zane thinks it's odd that there were no fingerprints or people who had seen Cass and or Cecile near the apartment. He decided to track down super Wilson for mild interrogation. Felicia insisted on accompanying him. Ada offered friendship in exchange for Victoria's confidences regarding Nancy's set up. She told her she was very like Rachel in her famed Rachel/Steve/Alice phase. Vic said she was nothing like Rachel because Jake really did love her. Ada said she felt sorry for her.
I hope Adam succeeds in calming the turbulent emotions in the search for Cass. MJ has a tendency to fly off the handle and refuse to follow up Cecile because it seems unpleasant. Un peu trop squeamish, n'est-ce pas? Cecile followed Cass. Perhaps shadowed would be a better word.
Vince perceived Kathleen looked funny when she received an envelope with clippings. She refused to open it but he insisted. They were about Mary. She left for the police station.
Ada advised Vic to tell Jake the truth. When Vic approached Jake he snapped at her that he just wanted Marley back and walked away. Ada reproached him. Vic went outside and called him as Marley. She said they had to decide about their future and arranged for him to meet her in the stables. He was terribly eager.
Zane tracked super Wilson to a tackle shop and made Felicia wait outside. She's too conspicuous, you see. He engaged him in conversation about apartments. He said he wanted one in his building. He rang for service. Felicia appeared behind the counter in a strange hat and vest.
Adam asked Kathleen if she thought Cecile was still in love with Cass.
Cass decided to take a relaxing hot bath. Cecile refuse to let LaRusso help. She went in to deal with Cass herself; she wore tight clothes and did sexy callisthenics. She treated him as she would a bore and expressed indifference when he said he was leaving. He collected his clothes and fled. She was pleased.
Kathleen said she didn't know about Cecile's feelings but she knew Cass didn't love Cecile. She refused to believe in the apartment. Adam told her Cecile was supposed to have been in Bay City for 2 weeks leaving right after the non-wedding.
The Lindquists steered the conversation around to Cecile and Cass and the apartment. He told them a foreign woman had rented penthouse D in the name of Winthrop. He said she had been wearing the crescent moon star pin. The proprietor appeared and the Lindquists commended super Wilson to his care. Exit Zane and Felicia.
Jake told Vic as Marley he'd change her mind about them. She wouldn't let him hold her. He explained the setup to her. He told her Victoria had been pathetically following him around since she left. He pled with her and said he wouldn't love anyone else. She tried to get him to admit he still loved Vic a little.
Vince pored over the Mary clippings and assured Maisie there would never be anyone to take her place she looked stricken.
Cass took a very cold shower. Cecile came after him crying for her body lotion and speaking of hot showers. Cass recited his times tables. He yelled "Kathleen".
Kathleen told Adam Cass wouldn't leave her for Cecile.
Jake considered and said he had cared about Victoria but life with Marley was the most important thing and Vic had successfully killed any lingering feelings. He said no matter what she said he wouldn't go back to Victoria. She said he'd be terribly lonely then and said they had no future . She wept. He was desperately unhappy.
Gloria told Cass the tuka berries surrounding the house were poisonous. He asked what they were going to do to Kathleen.
Zane in Felicia reported to the police station. The Tanquirian embassy and the state Department say Cecile was never in the country. Adam said that might not be good.
Jake stomped back to Mary's Place. He called the Loves. Vic as Marley told him to leave her alone forever. He said he loved her and wouldn't give up. She started packing.
Adam said Cecile could have been covering her tracks. Everyone told him Cass wouldn't do this. He said he'd have to bet Cass was with Cecile .
Cass bundled Cecile out of his room and told her to stay away from him. She was amused. He said he couldn't take it anymore and decided tuka berries were the only way.