Neal packed his bags and prepared to go home to Portland, Maine.
The Loves brought the baby home. Brittany thinks she's got Donna beat. (Ho ho.)
Catlin crawled around inspecting potholes for Sally' sake.
Samuels waylaid MJ. (Kathleen is such a pain, insisting on being where she shouldn't be.) It's time to give up on Winthrop. Kathleen came unhinged. Samuels threw them out. He told MJ she had other cases to attend to. She begged to be allowed to work extra hours without pay. He said she could go to the apt without the entourage. He thinks Cass is missing sponte.
Neal must reimburse Adam for covering the missing money.
The police say Sally was an accident. Catlin got upset. He can't accept that. Larry advised him to stop suspecting Brittany.
Britt thinks Peter's acting funny. She thinks Donna's being civil because he gave her what for. Then she decided she must be in a good mood because she spent the night with Michael. Donna was disgusted and left. Enter Zane.
MJ forbade Felicia and Kathleen to come. HOWEVER they overheard the destination and Kathleen convinced Felicia to go themselves.
Zane told Brittany it wasn't fair to live with Peter under false pretences. She said she needed time for Catlin to get over Sally and to know his son.
Peter hung over Peter Reginald Donna fussed about Marley. Peter apologised for interrupting a certain get-together. Donna informed him that she had principles & morals & whatnot. She said ever since Brittany all anyone in that house talked about was sex sex sex sex sex. He said she sounded like father. Donna: Daddy may have been an ogre, but he wasn't crass. He asked if Brittany seemed suspicious. Donna reassured him.
Neal seems likely to return. He has a Victorian complex about Adam.
Adam was introduced to Larry. He's on exchange from Chicago to help find Cass.
Liz hates to take Kevin away from Catlin. She says Catlin is young and should get on with his life. She's just glad Brittany tricked Peter into marrying her so she can't get at Catlin now.
Catlin dropped by the Loves'. He told Britt they said Sally was an accident. He's not sure. But he apologised for having accused her. Brittany found out Peter was nowhere near and rushed Catlin (an unwilling Catlin) up to see the baby.
MJ is no fun. She snaps at little bitty police officers when they say what they think about Cass' disappearance. Kathleen wandered in. The apt had mirrors on the ceilings (the Mathilde apartment) and sexy lingerie oozing from every pore. Kathleen found the letter in the typewriter.
Adam wants to check out the non-Love seaplane.
Brittany bragged about her so-good baby, as good as Evan. Catlin tried to go. She made him stay, saying he shouldn't ought to be alone and he needed friends too. Enter Peter. Britt went to change the baby's diaper. Peter began making deep observations about decorating his bedroom. Catlin got a great look on his face (as if he suspected Peter was slightly insane). Peter said he was just calling his attention to the décor because he was never going to see it again. The Love house is out of bounds. Catlin's mouth twisted in a sort of amusement.
Kathleen thought about before her wedding. Felicia tried to convince her the apartment was some sort of joke and the letter a misunderstanding. The super is nowhere to be found. They dusted the Dear Jane letter and Kathleen read it. She refused to believe it.
Brittany was surprised to find Catlin had left without saying goodbye. She decided to take the baby to Rachel's. Peter told her the baby wasn't going anywhere for 6 weeks. For his health. He's premature. Brittany can come and go as she pleases.
Catlin asked Liz if Sally had had any trouble with the car. She said not. He seems to be leaning toward accepting the accident theory. Liz was upset and shocked to hear he'd been to see Brittany.
MJ found airplane tickets for Mr and Mrs Cass Winthrop. Kathleen wants to know who the woman was. Suddenly she said she knew.
Catlin (sounding dangerous) said he was sick of Liz making it sound like he hadn't loved Sally and all Brittany had to do was call. She cowered and apologised. He forgave her.
Brittany asked Peter why he was different. He and Donna maintained that nothing had changed. She went to feed the baby. Peter said nothing had changed YET.
Adam told Neal he loved him and wanted to be brotherly. Neal said he'd see him in a couple of weeks.
Kathleen indicated a bottle of “Salute to Sin” perfume and said it was Cecile.