Vic thought about what everyone had said about her. She said piteously all she wanted was for them to love her.
Donna told Michael she'd make him dinner. He asked if she were trying to seduce him.
Kathleen became very upset with Adam.
Cass collected tuka berries and hid them under the bed. Cecile came in to say he'd broken her spirit. He wasn't moved. She told him Czaja was very upset and had set out for Bay City with intent to kill or maim the beloved. Cass said she had to stop him. Cecile emitted a series of choking sobs and said she wanted him to know no matter what happened she wasn't responsible. Exit Cecile. Marcia assured Cass it was for real.
Adam had someone check Cecile's whereabouts. Kathleen is being very trying.
Vic tried to leave a note. "Dear Donna" got crumpled, as did "Dear Michael", "My darling Jake", and "Dear family". Who'll even give a damn.
Donna declared her attentions honorable. She solicited his dinner preferences. She claimed to be able to make everything he mentioned. He was surprised and thrilled. Exit Michael. She immersed herself in cook books and wailed for Bridget .
Marcia told Cass Czaja was going to call her from Bay City and she could stop him by telling him Cass had succumbed. She won't lie, because Czaja would get even more upset. He said she could send Cecile in. He told Cecile her plan was transparent. He warned her not to hurt Kathleen. He raved about Kathleen. She was revolted and left. He started swallowing tuka berries. OR SO IT SEEMED.
Vic teased Donna mercilessly. Bridget started instructing.
Roses came for Ada from Michael. She asked who Michael was.
Adam asked Donna about the plane. She said it wasn't Peter's signature on the registration. Left alone with Victoria he said she was everything he thought she'd be and more.
Michael dropped by Mary's Place and thanked Ada for talking to Victoria. Ada: well, I don't deserve any credit, but you're not getting the roses back. They know each other of old.
Mathilde arrived on the island and assured Cecile all had gone well with the setup apartment. Cecile gave her further orders. Gloria drew her attention to Cass lying around with red lips.
Adam assured Kathleen he wasn't there just to close the case. He moved Cecile to the top of the list of suspects and convinced her he meant to follow every lead. She apologised.
Tom was reluctant to ask Carter to give up his scholarship for her. She doesn't want to give up UCLA.
Czaja found the bare branches and said Cass had eaten enough to kill a whale. Cass groaned. Gloria's worried about him. Marcia suspects him of faking. He is. Left alone he put the thermometer in his tea. Gloria checked his temp and was seriously alarmed.
Donna told Michael all he talked about was sex sex sex sex. Vic appeared. Michael tried to convince her to stay to dinner but Donna was willing to let her go. Her canapes were "a little too everything". Michael fled for water and commissioned Donna to try to get Vic to stay. Donna didn't try terribly hard. Vic said "goodbye, mother". Donna said that was the first time she'd called her that but was forced to investigate the racket Michael was making in the kitchen. Vic left feeling sorry for herself.
Carter behaved oddly. Tom was suspicious.
Cecile felt Cass' forehead and found he didn't feel feverish. Marcia was suspicious. Gloria's worried. Czaja said a man he'd seen poisoned had turned purple. Marcia said a man she'd seen had had convulsions. Cecile assured the King that things were fine. Cass started having convulsions. Gloria begged Cecile to get him to a doctor.
Michael told Donna they had to work extra hard to make Victoria feel welcome. He dragged the conversation back to sex and attacked her. He asked if she had a smoke alarm. Smoke began billowing from the kitchen. Donna rushed out.
Lily met the young Todds. Tom is in agony. Lily wants to celebrate.
Kathleen told Vince very firmly that she loved Cass and Cass loved her and he was not with Cecile.
Cecile advised Gloria to get a grip. She told Czaja to prepare the boat.