February 11, 1985

Ada is if not awed at least taken aback by the constantly wakeful inhabitants of and visitors to New York. Mac and Rachel are happier than they've been in ages. They kissed rather a good deal. Carl is of course watching them on a little bitty black and white TV. He has a portrait of Rachel in a red dress and looking somewhat less emaciated here and there than she actually is. I'm also told he has masses of lingerie in preparation. OBSESSED WITH THE WOMAN.

Donna's party is rather quiet. She complimented Kathleen on her appearance and asked where Cass was and the young lady she was to meet. Kathleen said Cass had stepped out for a breath of fresh air. Donna was surprised. The cold.

Cass is telling Dee off.

Sally told the police academy she had the wrong number. "I'm not going to do that to you, Catlin. I'm not going to spy on you . . . I trust you."

Willa told Catlin she'd gotten involved with someone and she was really scared. Catlin: What do you mean, you've gotten involved? You mean a guy? (Silence.) Are you on drugs again? Willa: No, I'm clean, I swear. Catlin: That's how you set me up for the fall last time, remember? Willa: It's different this time. You have to believe me. She asked him for money. He said he had none to spare because all of his money goes on house payments. Willa thinks Catlin getting married is a peculiar notion. Eventually he gave her $20 to go away. He doesn't want her to pay it back. He told her to get out of Bay City away from trouble and take care of herself.

Peter asked Sally about her phone call. She said she'd called Aunt Liz to ask after Kevin. Peter asked when Catlin was to arrive (Donna's been asking after him, he said). Soon I hope said Sally unhopefully. She says police academy lectures go on and on . . .

Cass called Dee down for sabotaging her deb chances. She retorted that she wouldn't be caught dead in the dress he bought her and she was dressed the way she liked now take it or leave it. Cass was extremely loud. Dee cried and told him she was a human being with feelings. He told her to act like one. She said she was sick of him and she didn't have to take this from him and she left.

Quinn dropped in to see Lily. She's depressed. She says she and Tom don't talk. Lily told her not to blame herself and to accept things the way they are. Carter and Thomasina arrived much to Quinn's discomfiture. Lily SUBTLY got Tom to go to the kitchen with her so Carter and Quinn could talk.

Donna is terribly friendly to Blaine. Lunch and tennis at the country club. Donna darted off to greet Alice alone. Mark's out of town. Donna asked Sally if Catlin would be there for dinner. Sally is not quite morosely not counting on it but she hastened to assure Donna that Catlin wouldn't want dinner to be held up for his sake. Donna rushed off to check on the dinner. Alice asked Sally where Catlin was. Sally told her of the lecture.

Cass entered and told Kathleen he & Dee had had an argument. Donna rushed up and asked about Dee. Cass said she'd called to say she had a virus. He added that he thought he had it too and asked Kathleen to drive him home. Donna was all solicitous concern until they were out of earshot. "Well, that's two less mouths to feed."

Quinn told Carter she didn't approve of what they'd done and she knew he loved Thomasina. Carter said he'd do anything to be the best combination husband and father possible. She wants them to be a family. No objections from Carter. They hugged. She wants them to be happy.

Cass and Kathleen reached Cecile's. Quinn and Tom and Carter left. Cass told Lily what Dee'd done. Cass claims not to know or care where she's gone. Lily fears the Tuna's wrath. Dee walked in and went straight to her room. Lily wouldn't let Cass attack her.

Ada removed herself from Mac and Rachel's way. Mac and Rachel discussed Nancy and Perry. They're glad to be rid of Carl.

Lily talked to Dee. Told her Cass had been worried about her. Dee said the only person Cass was worried about was himself. Lily conceded this and Dee conceded that so were most people. Dee's crying. Lily asked her why she'd dressed up like this. Dee said this was the way she felt like herself and in the dress they'd bought she looked like a jerk. Lily said she was sure she'd looked lovely and Cass and Kathleen thought so too. Dee said Cass didn't care how she looked and she'd heard him raving about being free of her.

Peter asked Donna about dinner. He claims folk have been driven to eating lemon wedges and lime twists. Donna says there's a problem. The frozen dinners look all white when she puts them in the microwave. No they don't says Peter. These do insists Donna. They have to put them in the broiler. Dinner will be delayed and Peter must entertain the guests as best he can. "O great. I can whip out my bird calls or juggle a few wine glasses . . . oh yeah, that'll keep 'em rolling in the aisles." "That'll be lovely, dear."

Marley and Ben are outside freezing to death. Ben told her about California school. She took it rather hard and cried and kissed him and looked stricken. Jake hove into view. He is concerned by the vastness of the state. They got Marley indoors between them.

Alice was telling an extremely absent Sally about an intern who passed out. Sally was paying very little attention. Alice asked if she were thinking about Catlin (good guess. I suspect she thinks about him when he's there, too). Sally admitted to it. Alice divined she might think he's out with the 5-minute girl. Sally denied it. Alice suggested she talk to Catlin and p'r'aps take some pressure off him and make herself feel better. Peter rolled up and announced dinner. Catlin arrived and Sally (through some miracle moving more swiftly than Hermes hisself) flew to his side and kissed him. Peter turned a sickly shade of green and looked the other way.

Cass wants to talk to Dee. Lily won't let him. He raved about anarchy. Kathleen's bright spot is that Donna didn't see Dee. Cass doesn't think he can go on. Kathleen thinks he can. She very subtly let him know that she would not be at all averse to going home with him and helping him rest, sounding rather like a spelunker.

It was a lovely dinner, Donna. The portions were just right. Donna asked Alice about the research projects she'd mentioned. Alice said she was still thinking. Catlin and Sally rushed past (Sally has not loosened her hold on him since he arrived) and Donna pursued them. Blaine perceives that Donna is being very friendly to her and Alice. Sandy says (says Blaine) she's lonely. Maybe the Carl mess has changed her. Alice is concerned about the lack of country clubbers.

Donna: So you must be excited about the wedding. Catlin: Yes, we are. Donna: Alice tells me it's in about 2 weeks? (Meantime Sally has her arm very firmly about Catlin's waist.) Sally: About, yeah. Donna: Now is it going to be a big do or just a small, intimate affair? Catlin: Oh, Sally's taking care of all that. Sally: Somewhere in-between. Donna: Well I'm sure it will be a big success (??????). Now I HOPE that you'll send me an invitation. Sally: You've got to be kidding. Laughter. Donna rushed off to make someone else's life a misery (or mystery, as the case may be). Catlin wants to leave to get a bit of studying done. Sally doesn't mind. She just wants to say goodbye to Alice. Alice: So, what do you think of this party? Sally: Well to tell you the truth (here she paused and look on her face was indescribable) WE'RE LEAVING. So they left amid a chorus of goodnights.

Jake and Ben's food was not up to par. Jake claims the house goes on forever but Marley assures him it does end. She is keeping her hands firmly on Ben. Is it the atmosphere of the house of just the presence of possible rivals for affections that brings this on? Marley offered to show Jake the house in the daylight sometime.

Lily let Dee know she could confide in her. Told her all about how she used to feel herself. An outcast. WORTHLESS. FRIENDLESS. She gave her a diary.

Jake was on about being a video pioneer and staying in town for a bit. We heard a bit about Jake's career as a stock car driver. Jake makes even the most commonplace things sound meaningful. The McKinnons have to go. Marley wants to walk them out in spite of the cold. (This, then, is True Love.) Jake is dressed not nearly so well wie the other males present. Reminiscent of Frank Wells (Vida's gangster).

Donna needs a drink. I hate being poor she pouted. Tell me we're going to be rich again darling please tell me tell me. Peter says that Sandy may very well help the hosp turn a profit. Donna feels the same way about the word profit that Felicia does about the words Blank Cheque. Peter advised her not to come on too strong to Blaine. So's not to arouse her suspicions (again insinuating that she's madly lusting after Sandy. Well I guess it's about time she managed a blond.)

Catlin and Sally have arrived at the Matthews house. Catlin: You've been awfully quiet tonight. Sally: Have I? Catlin: IS something bothering you? Sally: No, no . . . is something bothering you? I mean, other than the exam tomorrow? Catlin: No. Sally: Are you sure? Catlin: It's -- there's this pressure. I'm just under a lot of pressure. Sally: I know. I understand that. Catlin: Do you? Sally: Yeah. Listen, you should just go home, and -- and -- get a lot of studying done. Catlin: Look, I don't have to go this second -- Sally: That's okay. I want you to have a good night's sleep. Good luck on that test tomorrow. Catlin: Thanks. I'll walk you to your door. Sally: Oh, nononononono. That's okay. I'll be fine. Goodnight, honey. She kissed him and left the car. He thrashed about discontentedly for a bit. DAMN he said meaning (one would presume) he wished he'd told her.

Willa seems to be packing. Enter a disembodied voice. Disembodied voice: I thought I could TRUST you Willa. Willa: I thought you said -- you wouldn't be needing any more of my help once you came back. Voice: That's right. I don't. NB the voice was female and could possibly be Emily. It sounds something like her. Of course Emily's dead but she could have been preposterous. Impositive. You know. (I mean something like her not childlike nutbar.)

Ada cannot fathom New Yorkers. She went to bed. Mac and Rachel canoodling. They went into the bedroom under Carl's eagle eye. "My Rachel. Sweet dreams."


