October 10, 1985

Cass is distraught. He summoned Felicia to tell her Sally quit. She can't imagine why.

Sally welcomed Catlin home with exuberance and kisses. He was pleased. She led up to telling him of her resignation in such a way that he guessed she was pregnant. I expected her to take a swipe at him.

Victoria looks very like Marley today. She's in bed with Jake. She told him she was glad not to be Marley.

Chris invaded the Chapin mansion bellowing DAPHNE causing the woman to hang up on Carl rather hastily. He told her she wasn't taking Nancy anywhere.

Victoria explained that being with Jake would be different if she were Marley. He got out of bed and got dressed because he's late for Dee and she brought up Ron Spire.

Sally set Catlin straight without resorting to physical violence. They were interrupted in their celebratory embrace by Aunt Liz appearing from within. Everybody's happy. Kevin too.

[Felicia: well did you ask her why? Cass: I THINK so but it all gets kind of fuzzy around the "I resign" part.] Cass wishes he'd never taken the job. He told the publicity department no one had quit. [Cass: do you know what I want to do right now? Felicia: what? Cass: I want to walk out that door. I want to go home sit down at my humble little desk wait for the muse to strike me and go back to writing books. Felicia: BOOK. You only wrote one book.] Felicia won't let him jump ship. She doesn't think they can count on Mac. She won't ask Edouard for money.

Chris made a lot of accusations, all of which Daphne refuted. He chucked papers all over and asked what was really going to happen in Algiers. He suspected her of searching for the treasure with Carl. She denied all.

Marley admitted Jake to the apartment. Dee has gone out very cleverly leaving them alone together for the umpteenth time. They made conversation awkwardly winding up with Marley saying they should make it very clear to Dee that she wasn't helping. Marley left.

Felicia's worried about Edouard living in the past and hiding out alone. Wallingford told her he'd seen Edouard witness her and Zane at the Northwoods Inn last night. She agonized but while he told her she had to live her own life. She can't decide which to choose.

Dee returned in a good mood. Jake told her it had been OK for a debut and brought her down. He's got ideas for the video. He won't let her eat or talk about Marley.

Hawk advised Chris not to try to talk Nancy out of taking the trip without actual evidence that Daphne and Carl were in cahoots. Chris says there's no time.

Edouard lectured Daphne on the error of her ways. He doesn't think she'll survive Egypt. Exit Daphne. Enter Felicia. She told him she knew he'd been in the Northwoods Inn and she wanted him to belong to the world. He said he lacked only her. She left.

Chris tried to convince Nancy they should go to Arizona to look for Indian artifacts. She told him the Algerian dig meant a lot to her. He impressed upon her how bored she would be cataloguing and fetching coffee. She flared up and said he was treating her like a dumb kid. He said she was afraid to be alone with him. She said she had made-up her mind.

Daniel told Cass they'd be ill-advised to sue Sally. They argued. Daniel: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO DO? I'm not blonde and I certainly don't wear dresses. Cass: I just had a BRILLIANT idea. Daniel: what? Cass: what is this company's biggest seller? Daniel: the Sally line of products. Cass: exactly. But we're not tapping in on half the market. Daniel: how do you figure that, Cass? Cass: what about the men? Daniel: men don't buy too much lipstick. Cass: no but they buy aftershave they buy clothing. A million things. Daniel: yeah, they do. OK well how do we tap into that market? Cass: easy. All we need is a Lesoleil man. Daniel: do you have anyone in mind? Cass: as a matter of fact I do.

Edouard called a man called Barry to meet with him for a chat. Barry is an agent. He'll be by next Tuesday.

Daniel: you want me to be the Lesoleil man. You're not serious. Cass: why not? You're good looking you're already with the company and you have your own jeans. Daniel: you are talking to a world-famous architect. Cass: and you are talking to a desperate executive director. Daniel: who is quickly losing touch with reality. Cass: that's true. You know I always get some of my best ideas when I'm out of touch with reality [!!!] Daniel: Cass I am not a model. Cass: well there's nothing to it Daniel. You just stand next to a beautiful woman and look bored. Daniel: come on we need a special look for this. Cass: yeah, that's true, but I think I'd better stick to the business end. You'll be fine. Daniel: somehow I don't think you're qualified to be the judge of this. Cass: DANIEL. Do you realize the impact you have on the secretaries? Daniel: UBUBUB — please — Cass: every time you walk through that office? No, really. Do you? Daniel: no. Cass: YOU are personally responsible for 50% of the typos around here. Daniel: stop exaggerating. Cass: hey, you're already going to the southwest to shoot, aren't you? Daniel: what am I going to be, a cowboy? Cass: well just keep your mouth shut. Nobody will know the difference. Daniel: Cass, you're crazy. Cass: INSPIRED. I'm INSPIRED. You and Sally are going to look great together. Exit Daniel. If I can just get Sally.

Sally doesn't intend to ask Mac for her non-existent job back. Aunt Liz asked if she had made other plans. Sally said no. Aunt Liz seemed to take the hint [which may or may not have escaped ME] and left after giving them their mail. Sally had junk and Catlin had a thick distressing envelope. Sally followed Catlin outside to where he nestled among the rocks perusing his DIVORCE PAPERS. He and Britt go before a judge next week. They are blissfully happy and not concerned with the much beyond getting their limbs inextricably entwined and laughing a lot. I don't think she's wearing shoes.

Wallingford told Dee how great she'd been. He said she couldn't expect overnight success and praise was good but constructive criticism was important. She wants to knock Jake's socks off.

Chris asked Marley to help him talk Nancy out of doing this dangerous thing. Nancy overheard.

Victoria is trying to distract Jake from his work. He got her to leave him alone with the promise he'd be through in an hour if uninterrupted.

Nancy saw Marley out and gave Chris what for. He told her he suspected Carl was involved. He had no proof so she refused to listen to him. She told him not to mention Carl to Ada. He said he cared about her. She told him if he stopped her she'd never speak to him again.

Wally told Felicia Edouard wasn't her fault. She thought of someone who'd have money. He told her to tell him who. She said it was a secret. SSHHH.


