January 9, 1985


Peter returned home. Marley came upon him and greeted him rapturously. She told him she knew all about the room. He asked how she felt about it and she displayed confusion. "What's to feel?" was the basic reaction.

Alice came to see Thomasina. She asked how Quinn had taken it. Quinn entered and asked "Taken what?"

Kathleen has a bunch of old dollies who she says will decide which book they'll publish. (Bunch = 3.)

Cass was bailed out by an anonymous benefactor. Rocco told him not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

The old dollies seem to be divided over what sounds like the book about Catlin etc. (Etc. Being his various appendages and hangers-on). 1st: That book -- what was it called -- Surrender At Dawn. Where do you find junk like that? Kathleen: Well, people just send it to us. 2nd: I liked it. 1st: Ha. I could've written it. 2nd: I liked it. 1st: I hated it. Kathleen: Ladies, I think I know how you feel. Jane, do you have anything to offer? Jane: I don't know. Parts of it were interesting. Kathleen: Which parts? 1st: Not the ROMANTIC parts, that's for sure. 2nd: I liked them. Jane: When the lovers met in the stables, that was nice. 2nd: That was a little overdone. 1st: What about when that woman dressed like a maid to get into that party, y'know? Kathleen: Stranger things have happened, believe me. 1st: Well, that's when I quit reading. Kathleen: Okay, well, I think we're getting a little too personal here. The ladies are agreed that one called "A Beautiful Woman Attaining Perfection" will be a SMASH.

Peter asked Marley what exactly Donna told her. She told him. He told her that was the truth. Marley asked Peter what Donna sees in Carl. He scares her. Peter said he won't let Carl hurt her or Donna ever again.

Alice said that sometimes children are afraid to tell their parents things and Thomasina said DR FRAME so Alice quickly told a story about Sally being accepted into nursing school and not telling her for 3 weeks (I think the point was Sally didn't intend to accept and it has no bearing on this so why am I rambling) and Quinn supposed that Alice meant Tom's acceptance to pre-med . She said that she was vair' proud of Tom and always would be. Tom said she didn't understand (2x) and left.

Jane and her cohorts say every word of the book is true. They want to know who wrote it but Kathleen doesn't know. They say if it's a man he must be wonderful (like Burt Reynolds or Julio Iglesias). One would do ANYTHING to meet him. Kathleen promised them the first copies. They want to meet Mr. Winthrop (they saw his picture in the paper. "I want to know where he got that dress.") Kathleen told them he was at a business conference and wouldn't return for quite some time. Cass arrived. Kathleen herded them out. She told him they had a BLOCKBUSTER SMASH etc. She said all they need to do is find the cluck who wrote it and get him to sign a contract. Cass: The cluck? Why do you call him that? Kathleen was flustered and said she couldn't take it seriously. She doesn't know how they'll find him though. Cass: Don't worry about it, Kathleen, because I know who the cluck is. Kathleen: You do? Who? Cass: Me. Kathleen: You? Cass: Me.

Donna greeted Peter quite as rapturously as Marley before her. She told him Carl was blackmailing her. He says it's got to end. She said it was dangerous and Sandy said he was a murderer. Peter said nothing will happen.

Carl wants Wendy to open a Swiss bank account. She said he has no assets. He said he's going to be compensated for his years as executor of the Love whatnot. He dismissed her. Emily's been lost. She has passports under the name Sandra Masters and Sarah Marshall. He wants her found.

Alice pushed Thomasina to Maternity Park, as it has been dubbed. She told her to tell Quinn. Tom said she'd tried but couldn't. She couldn't disappoint her. Alice said she'd understand. She was supportive.

Grant and Maisie are worried about Perry. Perry went to talk to a friend of his.

Cass: You know, now that I can be totally objective about this, I have to admit it was awfully well-written. Kathleen: YOU'RE the cluck? Cass: Author. The word is author. Kathleen: YOU'RE the cluck author? Cass: STOP WITH THE CLUCK. Yes, I wrote it. Kathleen said she preferred Surrender At Dawn. Tony and Rocco arrived. They is his anonymous benefactor. Tony let Rocco grab Cass. Kathleen: (from somewhere between them) STOP RIGHT THERE, TUNA. She said they could make a deal. She said they didn't have to pay him in actual money and property would do, right? Tony was going to leave in disgust but she grabbed Rocco and said she'd tear his ear off. Rocco said she meant it. They offered him the book. Kathleen said all the rights. Cass objected. Rocco clamped his hand over his mouth. Kathleen told Tony Rocco could kill Cass if the book didn't make enough money. Tony's reading it.

A pregnant woman came and sat next to Tom. She talked about everything she was doing for her baby. Giving up her career. Getting in shape. Giving up smoking. She said it had taken her forever to get pregnant and she'd just kept thinking "If only I were seventeen and in the back seat of a car BINGO once would be enough." Tom got upset and stormed off.

Quinn apologized if she were too demanding. She told Tom she'd love her no matter what. She left.

Peter went to see Carl. He told him he'd been to MAJORCA. Pointedly. He accused him of being Emily's boss. Carl denied nursing. Peter explained testily he meant murder. Carl pointed out that Peter was the one who was sleeping with her and who introduced her to him. Peter said he knew Carl was blackmailing Donna. Carl: Did she say that? Now isn't she silly. Peter said Donna hadn't told him anything but he knew that Carl knew and would use his knowledge against her. Carl: Well you know you really should have me arrested. I mean it's no good standing around here making clucking noises with your tongue, is it?

Perry's friend is Tom. He told her his troubles. She started to cry and told him hers. He hugged her and said, "Oh, Tom." Rather sweetly.

Cass thinks he's done for. "And now the end is near. And so I'll face the final curtain." "Oh, shut up, Cass." Tony came down and said it's a deal. Tony and Rocco left. Kathleen's thrilled. Cass is suspicious.

Carl wants Peter to leave. Peter told Carl if he tried to hurt any member of his family again he'd kill him. Shot him with his finger. BANG.


