October 8, 1985

Carl drooled over Nancy's being and asked about Perry. And asked if Perry'd given her the pendant too. She [naming no names] said not. She introduced him to Hawk [Carl: and what brings you to Bay City, Mr. Hawkins? Hawk: having my picture taken, Mr. Hutchins. Carl: oh. Are you a model? Hawk: Oh NO. As a matter of fact I HATE having my picture taken. I resent it. Carl: you resent having your picture taken? I mean, it's so awkward for your mother.] Victoria dragged him off and accused him of playing with everyone. She asked what he wanted from her. He said another waltz.

Dee got real bad stage fright and told Jake she was cutting out.

Felicia asked Edouard to come to the Northwoods Inn to meet her friends. He said he didn't need people he needed only her.

Catlin wants to wait to say goodbye to Sally. Larry told him he had to tell her. Catlin won't because everyone's getting worked up and he doesn't really believe it seven. He says Sally has a lot on her mind. Larry said this was more important. Catlin said if anything came of this he'd call her. Larry told him it was a mistake. Catlin said he'd take a cab to the airport. Larry said he'd take him and tell him he was wrong the whole way. Enter Sally who said cheerily "oh, good, then I don't have to tell him all alone." She kissed Catlin. Larry fled. Sally asked about the fight and asked about the serious thing wrong.

Nancy can't handle Carl. She's mad at Chris. She got upset seeing Marley with Ron [the biggest creep in the whole world] Spires. Nancy took her aside to tell her Ron was seriously into drugs. Marley knows and she's told Ron one little itty bitty pill and she walks. She's only doing this for Donna. Nancy reluctantly dropped it. Marley went weird seeing waltzing sister and former stepfather. Nancy told her to get Jake.

Felicia told Edouard everything was in the past. He was offensively certain there still madly in love. He blamed the Spanish room on Michaud and said there was something between them. He told her she could go but he wouldn't come. She left.

Catlin said he and Larry were just spending too much time together and getting on each others' nerves. She suggested he come to Hawaii with her. He said he couldn't. She tried to convince him to come but he said it was too important. She said she'd miss him. He said he'd miss her. She asked if it were dangerous. He said not. She wants him back just as he is now [I suppose that's without any chunks missing, a shoulder here, a foot there].

Carl's man has to get a better look at Nancy's stuff before he can make an exact copy by October 20th.

Jake was rational. He kept his head and convinced Dee to overcome her fear and go on. KNOCKEMDEAD [or vice versa she said].

Ron alone with Marley made fun of Hawk. Enter Carter and Tom raring to discuss football. Hilarity and mirth ensued. Enter Peter. He saw Carl and said he'd kill him.

Felicia and Wally got there.

Dee's afraid of fainting. She went on to thunderous applause.

Felicia wants to throw Carl out

Dee is mum.

Victoria doesn't speak French. Carl asked if she were friends with Nancy. Vic said not. He talked about Perry. She changed the subject.

Jake took matters in hand and explained that Grant's introduction was so fabulous as to convince Dee he was talking about someone else. He got Dee going. She sang Harden My Heart. And The Rose [some say love. You know.]

Carl doesn't like the music much. Victoria says she could be better. "What a cruel blow it must have been to have searched for your mother all these years and then to end up with Donna." "Well she's not that bad. She never did time."

Dee kept going.

Victoria charmingly told Carl he was a creep and left. Felicia told him to leave. He said she'd grown colder. Older and colder. He asked if they could relive the past [not likely to go over well, honey bun]. She told him she'd help Peter in the parking lot kill him. He said he never stayed where he wasn't wanted but if she should change her mind she could call. Exit Carl.

Jake raked Vic over the coals for talking throughout.

They told Dee she'd done marvellously.

Ronald wants Marley to let him brighten up the atmosphere.

Catlin woke Kevin up so he could say goodbye again but better. [???] Sally put him back to bed. Larry returned when she was out of the room and guessed he hadn't told her. Catlin told him to be off and he'd follow in a minute. He did. He said goodbye to Sally and kissed her. He'll miss her. It would be too much fun to go to Hawaii. He went to Larry. She said to herself if he didn't want to go to Hawaii she'd meet him in Indianapolis.

Jake abandoned Victoria. Peter chewed her out for letting Carl touch her.

Felicia and Wally told Dee she was wonderful. Felicia thought about seeing Edouard earlier.

Sally imported Aunt Liz to watch over Kevin. She told her she was thinking about surprising Catlin and delaying Hawaii. And then she said Lesoleil was depending on her. Things don't seem to be working out.

Jake told Dee she needed a little work with her audience manipulation. Goodnight kiss.

The Todds are planning to go home because Grant will be asleep.

Nancy told Jake what a sleaze Ron was. Jake said Marley could take care of herself. Nancy dispersed. Victoria told Jake Marley didn't need a Galahad. Jake said he wasn't and he didn't care.

Nancy told Hawk to dance with Marley.

Felicia is battening down the hatches against Carl. Wally told her not to worry "it's not your picture he carries around." Felicia asked what he was talking about. Nancy darted up to talk about Algeria. Does Wally suspect?

Jake attacked Ron and called him slime. He said he'd break his nose if he wasn't clean with Marley. Exit Ron. Enter Marley who told Jake not to be a Boy Scout and leave her alone. Whitney Houston You Give Good Love.

Zane returned to surprise Felicia. Wally [who orchestrated it] was suddenly overcome with some unspecified emotion.

Catlin dismembered himself in his hotel and read a note from Sally which made suggestive noises about Deborah Carr Ann Burt Lancaster on the beach. He thought "Evan."

Felicia's glad to see Zane. They decided to go home.

Nancy tried to find out where Hawk had disappeared to.

Carl's man can't duplicate the peculiar glaze. Carl called him a booby and a fool.


