October 7, 1985

Jake is being highly critical of Dee's stuff. She concedes he's right.

Donna's having Daphne for dinner but the cupboard is bare and there's no money. Enter Victoria brandishing her cheque.

Chris hates his father so he can't follow the instructions in the letter. Tom told him he had no choice.

Dee is feeling rotten because Jake pushes so hard. He gets her so mad she plays with the sort of vim he wants.

Donna took fits because Victoria defied her to see Carl. Victoria is not afraid of him. Donna is worried because she's now in his debt.

Tom told Chris he'd been with Frederick when he died [apparently he hid stolen stuff at the reservation]. We were presented with the death scene in which Frederick wanted his son to know he loved him at the last. NO said Chris.

Daphne thinks Mac will get Carl put back in jail. He collects passports so he's not worried. He says Nancy is all he has of Perry and what will happen to her in Egypt. Daphne offered to steal the pendant and ring. He said it was too obvious; She'd be caught. He got on the phone.

Chris said Frederick was evil and didn't love him. He said he couldn't forgive him because he'd killed his mother. Tom said he didn't know that. He told Chris he had to know everything. He told him how Love and Chapin had desecrated the tomb. They decided to tell Hutchins the tomb had already been robbed. They went away and Love had a seizure preventing them from blasting the tomb open again as Carl wanted. In three weeks the tomb will be reopened and if Chris doesn't claim his inheritance Carl will take it and use it for evil.

Marley has a date with Ron. Jake questioned her. She told him she could go out with Godzilla if she wanted and shut herself in her room. He apologized. Victoria dropped by to check out Dee's progress. He told her about Marley's date. Nancy called. Dee got insane. Victoria took her in hand.

Nancy waiting for Marley on the line envies Dee her something important and exciting to do. Ada told her Algiers was thrilling enough. Nancy can't figure Chris wanting dullness and doctorhood but she's crazy about him. She thinks she can train him to crave excitement.

Tom told Chris he could set things right. Chris said he couldn't do anything. Tom said he didn't agree but he'd leave him to it. He'll meet the Girl tomorrow.

Daphne is afraid the Corys will find out she's in cahoots with Carl. He says they won't. She has to go to the Loves'. He wouldn't mind keeping an eye on Vic [Daphne: perhaps there is a portrait in THEIR living room. Carl: don't be snide, Daphne. That's my province.] But the rest are dismal. He abandons her to her fate.

Jake approves of these clothes. Ron arrived. Conversation languished. Marley pulled him into her room to show him things and giggles emanated therefrom. Jake told Victoria he had to sit with Dee. He's in agony, my dear. Victoria propelled Dee out to the car. Ron and Marley emerged and talked at length about their common past. Marley tried to spare Jake's feelings by toning it down. They left.

Chris told Nancy he wouldn't be any fun tonight and she could take Hawk. Exit Chris. Nancy flipped out. She is determined to have a good time. Hawk remarked on her jewellery.

Carl asked a man to copy the pendant and ring because his son had foolishly given them to a young girl and he hadn't the heart to ask for them back. The man said it would be expensive but exact but not until '86. Carl suggested they go to the Northwoods Inn tonight to observe.

Daphne casually mentioned Carl to Donna. Donna gave her much the same speech as she'd given Victoria.

Carl thought about finding Nancy had the necessary. He ran into Victoria at the Northwoods Inn and asked if her mother knew she was out alone. [Can't you hear the leer?]

Hawk and Nancy observed Carl. She merely tolerates Carl for Perry's sake. She can't believe Victoria.

Carl is trying to waltz with Victoria. Further innuendo. He came across Nancy and stared at her jewellery.


