November 8, 1985

Liz is helping Rachel and Ada pack up a bunch of stuff for a flea market and being tactless about Diane. Ada told her not to talk about it. Terry as an exterminator came to try to get the jar, a sketch of which he has in his pocket. Rachel looked at him funny.

Chris is afraid Hawk will die.

Felicia & Sally are having a sendoff at the Northwoods Inn. Sally is talking to reporters. Catlin and Larry are speaking earnestly and inaudibly in a corner. Wallingford made Felicia tell what had happened. Wally: I'll bet they fought them off and saved your honour. Felicia: they fought them off and saved my cloche. JERKS. Grant: now wait a minute, I don't get this. They defended your honour and you call them jerks? Felicia: Grant, don't start with me, I've just about had it with men today. Exit Felicia. Wally: she's in love alright. Grant: yeah. But with who?

Carl was not asleep. He got up and took hold of Daphne so that she whimpered trying to tell him it wasn't what it looked like sort of thing. He said he'd never fancied himself a Hamlet. He suggested Antony & Cleopatra and caught her up [she shrieked helplessly] "thou mortal wretch... be angry and despatch" he cried shoving her down on the bed. The snake bit; Daphne writhed and was still.

Terry produced the work order [nearly losing his jar sketch] from Diane Murray. Liz offered to take him to the kitchen [managing to be tactless about Diane again]. Once there she discovered myriad salt & pepper shakers about to go out to the flea market and objected because one set SHE'D given Mac. Terry noticed the jar next to the box.

Catlin's going to go to Dry Creek while Sally's away without telling her. Larry disapproves. He left him alone with Sally TO TALK. They said their goodbyes and she promised would be the last time for that. They love each other. Face mashing. [What does Catlin think is going to happen if they find Evan? Does he plan to just sort of slip it into the conversation, "hi honey, we've got a new case, Kevin's in his room, Evan's alive, did you have a good day?"]

Carl put the snake back in its bin. He's been several steps ahead of Daphne all along. "I knew what she was thinking before she ever thought it." He called his plane. Cass came and knocked on the door. Carl picked up all of his things and fled. Cass opened the door and preened upon seeing Daphne stretched out and still in her jammies.

Marley's plane is horribly behind. Nancy says Chris will kill her.

Hawk rallied. Chris promised he'd find the treasure.

Liz spotted the jar and sniffed contemptuously [Ed note: not literally, Liz did not come close to inhaling any dust] that it was garish and Rachel's taste. [she doesn't like Rachel.] Terry expressed a desire to buy the jar then and there. Liz wouldn't let him in case they find a mate. She told him where the flea market was and made off with it in a box. The cook told Terry she ran a clean kitchen. NO BUGS. He left.

Cass tried in vain to wake Daphne. "And they say there is no rest for the wicked." He called an ambulance. And went out after Jose. Carl returned and wrote "KILLER IS CA" on the mirror in lipstick. He escaped before Cass & Edouard returned. Cass noticed the mirror and said it hadn't been there before and deduced it meant Carl.

Wally wants Felicia to call Zane before she goes.

Sally told Catlin they'd be in some pretty remote areas so she mightn't be able to call every night. He kissed her and was unthrilled when it was immortalized on celluloid by a roving photographer. Sally rushed off as if to avert collapse. Larry sidled up to tell Catlin Sally was on HIS side. Catlin said he wanted to keep it that way.

MJ is against murder. Jose told her Daphne was left pretty much to herself. Another cop showed her the murder weapon. MJ saw the Arizona map. She thinks the case has too many clues.

Kathleen comforted Edouard. And Cass. And kept Cass calm. MJ showed him the Arizona map. We're all agreed Carl did it. But MJ is doing it by the book. Cass begins with CA.

Carl told Terry to be at the white elephant sale and gave him the lipstick & a letter to plant on Cass.

Rachel and Ada heard Daphne's death on the news. Ada decided to call Nancy but her room is empty.

Edouard suggested Cass go to Arizona in Felicia's stead.

Carl intends to assume a disguise. He thinks he's covered his tracks.

Nancy met Marley. She has to meet Felicia now. She wants Marley to stay and help her I think.

Carl [made up as an old Indian] attacked a man and stole his security badge.

Edouard called Michaud to break the news. Cass appeared covered in fingerprint stuff. MJ is mad at him for crossing the line. She found out Carl's plane went to Arizona. Cass asked Kathleen to come with him. She will.

Nancy told Felicia she couldn't work. Felicia forgave her. Sally's dead on her feet. Felicia entrusted Nancy to Marley's safekeeping. The girls left. Sally & Felicia went to wait for the unloading of the plane. Indian Carl appeared and took the Princess out of the bin marked props. Felicia returned and stopped him.

Cass & Kathleen are going to leave immediately. MJ is reporting that Cass went into the crime area so they don't go nuts when they find his fingerprints all over everything. Cass: am I going to get DEMERITS? She told him she was trying to keep him out of trouble. Kathleen dragged Cass off. MJ intends to get Carl.

Nancy hopes she can catch Chris before he goes.

Carl said nothing. Felicia made him show her the Pharaoh's daughter. She had him put it in the light to see it better. She's impressed. [It can't be of solid gold, he carries it with such facility.] It's not southwestern but she thinks she can use it. "I wonder what fool put it in with all this stuff?"


