Larry refused to release the names of the victims to the press. Cecile appeared and he was tremendously rude to her, in a cordial sort of fashion.
Jake and Marley went home after the movie (is it my imagination or has this day been going on for 8 shows?). Jake is in an indefinable very nearly nasty mood. Jake doesn't seem to like anybody any more. Marley reminds me of Mrs Sharpe in The Franchise Affair: an objective and attentive looker-on who is actually involved but doesn't seem to bother much about it. It's oddly pleasant. Jake heard the news about Cass and Kathleen and the unidentified victims .
The Corys comforted Felicia. She blamed herself. Cass comforted her. She was allowed to go in to see him.
Michael phoned Adam to say the Vulture had gone. Adam told him to wait. Michael rushed out regardless.
MJ asked Adam what was going on. He admitted he and Michael were after LaSalle and had been since he came to Bay City. She asked who LaSalle was. He said she couldn't tell anyone. Jake was worried about who had been shot. He went to phone. Donna observed that he was in rare form. (How killing.) Donna complained to Marley about Michael's hotel room and deceit. Marley assured her Michael loved her. Jake returned to say his family hadn't been shot. He thought they had clammed up quite sudden and asked what was wrong. Donna asked why he even cared. He stiffened up and said he didn't. He offered them cold pizza.
Zane is in critical condition. They can't operate, etc, etc. Felicia went in to him and put on a Brave Front.
Marley suggested nicely that Jake try his wiles out on Blade. He is evaporated obligingly. Donna said he was riff raff. Irresponsible riff raff. Marley said he wasn't. Donna deplored the family tendency to fall for the wrong kind of man. Marley said Michael wasn't the wrong kind of man. She stood up for Jake. Donna accused her of being in love with him.
Larry asked Cecile for a statement. ("Being held hostage can really give a girl hangnails.") She refused without a lawyer. He said he couldn't appoint a lawyer, not being the court. She agreed to settle for nail polish. Larry phoned Legal Aid. Ravi arrived. Cecile was not happy .
People tried to contact Annie, not that they need her blood this time. Cass worried about Zane. Vince arrived and blamed Cass for everything JOVIALLY. Ludwig is unconscious at another hospital.
Both Michael and Adam had men all around the hotel. The Vulture must be somewhere in the hotel. They went to check. They found the Vulture was back in his room.
Zane told Felicia he loved her, wheezing a lot. Felicia responded in kind, sobbing a lot. His alarm went off. Felicia sobbed more.
Marley changed the subject back to Michael. Donna said Michael had acted as though he was expecting someone he didn't want her to see. Marley phoned him but received no answer. That clinched it for Donna.
Adam burst in on LaSalle and said he had questions for him. Michael appeared and called him Reggie. He said his name was not LaSalle but Reginald Love (NO, I'm so surprised) and he was going to get what was coming to him. Adam asked about Gunter Hermann. Michael asked about Sally Ewing. Adam mentioned Johann Ludwig. Brandon Reginald affected not to know Hermann, Sally, Ludwig, or Michael. Michael dredged up the Garrison part and Brandon Reginald recognised him.
Donna insisted on going to Michael's hotel. She asked Marley to distract the Hardy Boys.
Ravi told Cecile there had been a counter-revolution and she could be a figurehead Queen and have diplomatic immunity again. She was pleased.
Felicia was told to go back to her friends. She protested. Zane was taken to the operating room. Her friends reassured her. Kathleen accused Cass of suspecting Zane was fatally wounded, but Larry phoned and asked for Cass so he could tell him about Cecile's re-regenting. Cass told Kathleen Cecile had fallen for it.
Jake got mad at Marley for helping Donna get away. He said he'd given Michael his word. They quarrelled. He told her she was afraid he'd get to her. She denied it. He told her to prove it. She said she didn't have too. He told her to live in her little fish bowl and watch the rest of the world live. She said she would. (I was charmed.) He asked where Donna had gone. She told him she could take care of herself.
Brandon Reginald pointed out that he had every right to his money, seeing as he wasn't dead. Michael dredged up Donna's pregnancy and moral degenerates. Adam produced a photograph of Ludwig. Brandon Reginald pointed out that they had no proof of any connection. They said he had to come in for polite questioning.
Marley went to bed. Jake has turned into a nurse. ("If we're not afraid how come we locked the door?") He stood guard.
The doctor asked to talk to Felicia in private.
Adam produced a photograph of Ludwig and Brandon Reginald getting off his plane. They set out for the police station and ran into Donna.