Nancy couldn't bring herself to pull her bandage off. Jake stopped by. She told him what a nice guy he was and asked how he felt about Florence Nightingale.
Michael and Donna returned home and found Brittany.
Zane and Felicia woke up in the boathouse. They heard a noise. It was Cass. Zane went to deal with the noise. Cass was sheepish.
Jake: all right, we are ready to operate. Nancy: you're always ready to operate, Jake. Jake: but where is my patient? All I see is some smartmouthed broad. Nancy: come on, let's do this. Jake: this may hurt you a little bit. Nancy: Hey, wait a second, you're not supposed to enjoy this this much. The scum make her nervous. Jake told her he'd take the bandage off at the count of 5. 1, 2, 3, RIP. She asked if he'd heard from Victoria. He said not. Greg dropped by and inspected Nancy's arm.
Michael bragged about Donna's prowess. Brittany bragged about Catlin's progress. She didn't know where Peter was. Enter Peter. Brittany spilled something. Michael and Donna reported on Victoria to Peter. Peter insinuated that Catlin wasn't up to snuff. Michael and Brittany sprang to his defense. Donna and Michael slunk out. Brittany ask Peter what was up. He got cryptic.
MJ is not inclined to investigate Cass any longer. Adam suggested there could be a valid explanation for the beach. Cecile is ostensibly in the states for medical treatment. Adam decided not to close the case. MJ said she was off it. Adam thinks Cass' perfidy has affected her strangely .
Peter told Brittany all about Cecile. She asked where he was before he left with Mac. He said he didn't remember. He got upset with her. Michael intervened.
Greg fixed Nancy's arm up. She wouldn't let Jake go. She apologised for the things she said about Sam. Jake doesn't like Greg. Greg said he was used to Sam causing him problems. Greg: last year she went to Paris. Nancy: did she go on one of those tours? Greg: Oh no. That's not good enough for SAM, she had to go all alone. Unfortunately she didn't stay alone. Nancy: what happened? Greg: she fell in love with one of those waiters on the Champs d'Elysée. They ran off together. Finally they ended up on Ithaca. Nancy: I can't believe it. They went to CORNELL together? (Way to go, Nance.) They raised goats. Greg's parents rush about with mistresses and actors. Jake said he thought he liked Sam a lot better than Greg.
Cass was thrilled to be back home . He thinks Zane for not jumping to conclusions about him. He said he had to explain to Kathleen that Cecile kidnapped him. Felicia didn't believe it. She said Kathleen had been hurt and he should have the decency not to lie to her. Felicia brought up Adam as a witness. Cass was not thrilled. He said he would tell Felicia the truth before telling Kathleen. He made her promise to believe him.
Peter told Michael it was none of his business. Michael told him not to treat the mother of his child like that. Peter saw said it was fine and left. Michael apologised to Brittany.
Jake is gone. Greg is pleased to be alone with Nancy. Kissing. Jake reappeared and made remarks about Greg's bedside manner. Jake said Ada wanted Nancy for breakfast. Greg evaporated. Nancy informed Jake that Greg was interested only in a summer relationship. Jake asked what she wanted. She said she wanted that too. He sent her to her omelette.
Brittany checked to make sure Peter was gone and told Michael Peter had been following her. Michael said she could confide in him without fear of Donna hearing. She said Peter knew she'd been to see Catlin but he never said anything. Peter and Donna appeared. Peter went to work and Brittany went to the kitchen. Donna told Michael Peter had been listening.
Adam asked MJ about her singing. She searched assiduously for the Gomez file. It's under Moran. (So like my underwriters.) MJ got all hot and bothered. She fussed about Cass. Adam asked her to be his driver again to talk to Zane. She gave in.
Cass explained about the tuxedo women pointing a gun at Kathleen so he was lured away and knocked out. He told of his escapades to get back. Felicia asked why Cecile had kidnapped him. He explained about the King's sterility and his [Cass'] fidelity . Cecile phoned. Cass was upset to hear she was in town and no one had told him. In effect he told her to drop dead. Felicia's faith has suffered a set back. MJ arrived.
Michael asked Donna what was with Peter and Brittany. Donna said Brittany wanted Catlin and was likely to run away with him. Donna: it's Peter's baby, the tests showed that. Michael: Peter had tests made? Donna: how else are you going to find out things? Michael: you ask people. Donna: Brittany would lie about that. that's why Peter has to eavesdrop all the time. Michael: I see. Does Peter eavesdrop all the time? Donna: of course he does. Michael, eavesdropping is a Love family tradition. He laughed. Brittany came rushing in screaming that the baby had gone.
Cass was pleased to see MJ. She beat him about the head.