Cecile travelled purposefully.
Kathleen said so WHAT? Adam collected MJ to take her to the airport.
Nancy told Maisie she done very well on her chem test. She expressed a desire to tell Greg. A scum pulled her onto his knee and said she could tell him.
Donna was less than thrilled. (So would I be.) She pled with Michael. He reminded her to stand by her man. She got upset. He advised her to shut up and let him play his shot. He won. Billy was less than thrilled. Michael suggested another game.
Nancy struggled. A blonde sleazebucket protested on her behalf (his name is BLADE) but to no avail. The other scum told Nancy she was a beautiful piece of toast. Nancy told him he was ignorant and boring. Jake stomped in and offered to rip the scum's head off. When Vince reminded him that the furniture wasn't paid for he very thoughtfully mashed the scum's head into the bar. Suitably cowed, the scum left, followed by his friends, except Blade. Jake asked if he were looking for a little action. Blade stood up and said he just wanted to pay the bill. He put his face up close to Jakes and stared at him insolently. He laughed shortly and donned a pair of sunglasses before leaving. (Jake's brother, I suspect.)
MJ is Adam's driver. Adam seemed to make noises about the extent of her liking for Cass. He looked at her funny and expressed a desire to be her friend. Cecile landed. Her bags circumvented customs. Adam and MJ bounded onto the plane to ask questions. Cecile was cordial but unaccommodating. Enter Samuels. He wasn't pleased with MJ driving. He said the Queen was not to be questioned. Ravi the ambassador backed this up. Cecile asked after Kathleen. She refused to tell Adam if Cass was on the plane.
Billy managed to convince Michael to play some more. Michael mentioned the theft of his wallet and said Billy had to bet it. Donna doesn't like it.
Adam showed Kathleen snaps of Czaja and LaRusso. (The curious thing is it's Czaja Carnak and James LaRusso so, so why isn't it Czaja and James or Carnak and LaRusso? It's as bad as butlers.) She said she didn't recognise them and stomped out. I get the feeling the police are investigating more than Cass.
Nancy went out into the alley and was cornered by the scum.
Michael won. Bill pointed out that he was a shark. Michael asked for his wallet. A fight erupted and Donna was put up on the bar out of harm's way. She bashed men over the head with bottles. Eventually silence reigned. Michael was pleased.
Cecile asked Ravi to spread a statement. He told her the fate of Tanquir was in her hands. He told her about the murder of Gunter Hermann the investment guy.
Nancy got upset. Enter Blade who told the scum to let her go. He produced a convincing argument but the chief scum overrode him and exploded a bottle. Nancy wailed for Jake. Enter Jake. A fight broke out.
Cecile was upset that she hadn't been told. She dismissed Ravi, who is wildly loyal, and yelled for LaRusso. She sent him out to look for Kathleen.
Jake had Nancy bandaged up and took her home. She said he was some friend. He said Vince had called the police. He suggested she go to sleep. She thanked him profusely for saving her life. He said what are friends for.
Adam is going to pin the photos on his wall. MJ wonders where Cass is. She asked why he was so interested in Michael. He said he had an appointment.
Donna informed Michael she hadn't been fighting for him.
Jake has managed to seriously impress Nancy. He was impressed with the drugs the hospital had given her. They came to the conclusion that life was not like the movies. No happy endings.
The scum fumed. They referred to Jake as pretty boy. The scum wants to do terrible things to his lovely face. Blade didn't like it. He doesn't like the police either.
Cecile's slightly worried about Cass.
Kathleen is not worried about Cass.
Michael produced a magic quarter and put the jukebox on. He asked her to dance. He admitted to being a shark. He told Donna he wanted her in every barroom brawl from now on. STAND BY YOUR MAN.