January 7, 1985

Kathleen insisted that Cass had stolen her car. Cass insisted he hadn't.

Carl is in need of money. Wendy is his lawyer.

Jamie and Mac are going to the races. They feel lucky.

Cass maintains that he is innocent. Kathleen asked Gibbons if she could talk to Cass alone for a minute on the grounds that they had been close once. Good ol' Mel left them alone. Cass told Kathleen she'd lost all of her marbles. She said she was doing it for his own good. He said if there was one thing he didn't need as a lawyer it was a criminal record. She said she figured the only place Tony couldn't get him was jail. Cass disagrees. He thinks everyone in jail is a friend of Tony's who would kill him at a moment's notice. Kathleen led him to believe she'd come round but as soon as Mel was summoned she said, "This man is completely without remorse. I'm afraid you'll have to throw him in jail."

Felicia and Wallingford are trying to grub up money for Cass. Felicia's going to ask Lily to repay the loan of November 1, 1984. She's squeamish about it. Wallingford deserted her when Lily arrived. Lily's madly proud of Thomasina's pre-med acceptance. They're renovating Tallboys so Felicia didn't have the heart to ask for the money back.

Carl and Wendy and Mr. Brandeis went to the races. Mr. Brandeis is the buyer. He's going to be given a chance to see Stowaway in the 5th. Mac and Jamie came in.

Lily's having lunch with Grant. She's going to tell him about the money for Tallboys. She's nervous. She's going. Wallingford has returned. He called Felicia a coward for not asking for the money.

Thomasina's studying like mad. Quinn wants her to relax. She told her she can tell her things and she'll always be on her side. Tom almost told her she's been sleeping with Carter but she chickened out at the last minute. Quinn left.

Mac and Jamie greeted Carl like old friends. Stowaway won the race. Mr. Brandeis was impressed.

Carter came over to walk Tom to the hospital. He apologized for sleeping with her last night. Tom told him she'd told Alice and Alice is going to prescribe the Pill for her but that doesn't mean she'll sleep with him at the drop of a hat. They reaffirmed their mutual love and left for the hospital.

Lily told Grant about the money. And why. He blew his stack rather.

Brandeis was confused to see that the horse was registered to Sandy Cory. Carl told him he had Sandy's power of attorney but Sandy dashed in and said he had no intention of selling HIS horse. The Corys told Brandeis Carl had been trying to make an illegal sale. Brandeis said he hopes he never meets Carl again and people will hear about this. Carl told the Corys they'd pay for this. Sandy took HIS horse home.

Cass: You tell your sister that I'll never forgive her as long as I live. MJ: It's not that bad. Cass: Not that bad? Have you ever been booked? MJ: Not personally. Cass: well, let me tell you something, it's a very, very personal experience. That guard had about the coldest hands of anybody I've ever known. MJ: Well, I'll ask him to do something about that. Cass: Well it's a little late for that now. He accused her of conspiring with Kathleen. He used his call to call Felicia. He wants her to bail him out. She and Wallingford are on their way. Felicia: Where are we going to get a thousand now? The banks are closed. Wallingford: Hey, Felicia. Felicia: Oh. no, Wally, I just got them out of hock. You know how I hate to be without my baubles. Wallingford: Well now don't worry, we'll get them back. Felicia: I miss them when they're not here. Wallingford: Think of it this way: you'll have Cass in their place. Felicia: Ho ho. He can never compete with my earrings. Wallingford: Oh, I know. Felicia: I'm going to make him feel really guilty about this one, boy. Wallingford: I hope you do. Felicia: I will, believe me.

Grant told Lily off. He's a jerk. Lily cried and said she's sorry. Grant quit. Dumb jerk. He passed Carter on the way out. Carter tried to talk some sense into him. Told him he shouldn't have stomped on Lily.

The Corys are having a fun time recalling Carl's stupefaction. They're going to celebrate. Rachel's home. Mac's pleased.

Grant returned and called Lily the finest lady he's ever known and apologized. They're fast friends.

Cass was thankful for Felicia coming down. Kathleen arrived as Felicia was about to pay bail.

Mac told Rachel to go away again. Rachel refused. She raved about him being tired of her and he denied it so she made him agree to let her stay. But the children are still in hiding.

Cass urged Felicia to hurry up and get him out. Kathleen wanted to talk to her first. After a brief consultation Felicia decided Kathleen had the right idea. Cass: I'm going to strangle the both of you. He lunged at them. The end.


