The imposing trio of Larry, MJ & Catlin sent a man to find Carl. They went to the stables with Donna to check out the horse. Donna asked Catlin what was going on (looking as if she were going to cling to him, sobbing -- really, Donna. Catlin didn't look at all inclined to cling back or offer any form of comfort.) Carl was discovered and restored to his loved ones in the stable. He had the situation explained to him and he just kept TALKING and TALKING and TALKING and pretending not to know anything (he asked Catlin about Malta. Grrr. Even after being corrected he pretended to be still confused. "Majorca -- or was it Malta? Somebody said it was Malta." Doubly offensive because on top of lying he was so "I don't care what you're saying -- in fact, I'm pretty BORED by it.") Catlin checked the horse out but wonder of wonders it wasn't painted. Their man found no signs of hossflesh anywhere on the grounds.
Kathleen was much alarmed to see Tony and Rocco at Smiley's. She dashed up to Cass' room where they both got a little hysterically paranoid. Cass invited Kathleen to stay for franks & beans with him. (He showed her just the way to add salt & pepper to them.) There's a candle on the table. Maisie came up with pie for them (causing them to panic momentarily) and Cass had his wig all askew and his dress odd. The evening degenerated into admiration of eyeliner and from there into large amounts of kissing.
Thomasina and Marley have landed "cameo rôles" in the school play. Marley seems to be a maid and Thomasina a flighty young rich thing. Ben was talking to Jamie about MJ and he mentioned thugs, at which Tony and Rocco turned around abruptly. (Rocco, in case I neglected to mention it, is consuming ˝ a pie.) Marley asked to be taken home when she heard the police had been to her house.
Sandy told Jamie all. Jamie said a number of brotherly things. He wants him to tell Blaine but Sandy won't.
Carl found Donna in her secret room and threatened to tell Marley if she tried to throw him out. (Does this amount to real BAY CITY BLACKMAIL? Ooh.) Knowing Carl to be twisted and sick I wouldn't be surprised if he hired Catlin to watch Donna squirm. I'm not sure that Catlin could carry off a Sandy-esque plot though.