Chad arranged to meet his blackmailer. Wallingford tried to join him but Chad shook him off and barreled past MJ. Mitch came up to demand an explanation about Felicia's date with Gollum.
Gollum fussed about Lisa's purity.
Adam has had a breakthrough. The button is sold only to the yacht club members. Ergo, it's narrowed down to one of fifty. Adam commanded Val to cross-reference the yacht club lists with the others. Lisa said Gollum kept trying to please his mother, never had much success. This is much the same way she felt about her mother. Oooh.
Mother warned Dr Glaser he'd do something stupid and get caught. He told her no one would stand in his way and he wouldn't tell her anything. She told him she wouldn't love him any more.
Chad refused to let MJ come with him. She insisted. He said the deal was he meet the agent's guy alone. She told him he couldn't risk it. He said nothing would happen to him. She said she couldn't let him do it.
Mitch informed Felicia in a rather high-handed way that he didn't like her seeing Gollum. She informed him that he had made it very clear that he was not interested in her himself. Suddenly she accused him of being jealous. He denied it. She stomped out. Wallingford accused Mitch of being in love with Felicia.
MJ informed Chad that she stood to lose everything, specially Adam. He asked her to trust him for a change. She dug in her heels. He told her she had to stay in the car in that case. She subsided.
Adam tried to hurry things up a little. Lisa felt that the mother wasn't happy about the turn of events. She discovered he'd bought a wedding ring.
Mother griped. She told Gollum he needed her. He told her she needed him and wanted him for her very own. Then he pointed out that she was dead.
MJ failed to wait in the car. Chad reminded her of the time they drove to Quebec. She'd had to be stretching her legs every half hour. (Silly. She doesn't stretch much during stakeouts, I'll bet.) Chad is odious. Let's go click go clickety clack. He awakened a spirit of fond reminiscence in MJ's bosom. She thanked him for getting his hands on the money. They chatted about yachts. Chad got into a clickety clack on the open wave mode. MJ became uncomfortable and suggested that he expel her from his dreams. Suddenly she said they weren't going to get the tape back.
Wallingford refused to let Mitch use the phone. They quarrelled. Mitch refused to admit anything. Wally gave him what for. Mitch explained that he was hopelessly unworthy. Wally attempted to goad him. Mitch said he didn't like Gollum. They told each other to stuff it. Felicia reappeared. Wallingford instructed them to make up. He burst into tears. Dr Glaser appeared. Wallingford offered a table for three.
Lisa came over all queer. She felt a very strong connection to Gollum. Love and happiness. Adam listened attentively. A trip by water. He calls her my precious. It's what Lisa's mother used to call her.
Gollum introduced the happy topic of oysters (parasympathetic evil butler alter oyster ego). Felicia said she loved oysters. Mitch said the last time they'd had oysters she had developed a rash all over her body. Felicia said she had never had a rash all over her body in her life. Mitch said it could have been someone else. Felicia suggested he take himself off and play with his zoom lens. Wally called him away to the phone. Gollum arranged their special dinner date.
Chad attempted to reassure MJ. A sleaze showed up. He claimed hardly to recognise 'Little Miss Hot Stuff' in her clothes. Chad was ready to defend a lot of honour. The sleaze made it plain that he knew MJ for a cop. Money changed hands. Chad demanded ALL the copies. The sleaze said he could have one a month for a vast sum. Chad said he didn't have any more vast sums. The sleaze insinuated that he could always prostitute MJ some more, and he, for one, would be more than willing to contribute. A fight seemed to break out.
Dr Glaser arranged to meet Felicia at 8 pm at pier 18. Mitch rolled up and said he had to be going. He insisted on speaking to Gollum alone. He informed him that he and Felicia were good friends and intimated that he could smash anyone who took advantage of her. Felicia, meantime, was alarmed to find a wedding ring as what she thought was her surprise.
A yacht club dude gave Adam a list of three names of men who could be the killer. Adam got down to business.
I guess MJ bathed Chad's wounds. Chad attempted to reassure her. MJ wishes she could flee on a ship. Chad suggested they run away. She refused. He coaxed. She said Adam loved her and they were going to get married and she was holding on to that. Chad told her he'd never love anyone else.
Donna summoned Felicia urgently. Felicia told Wally maybe she would marry Dr Glaser. Wally told her she'd need her head examined. Mitch drifted through and admitted what he'd done. Felicia flared up and told him he'd had no right. She flounced out.
Gollum's at it again. The phone rang and rang and rang. Mr Grunwald's service phoned to give him a message. Apparently Gollum is Mr Grunwald. The message seems to have been from Adam, masquerading as a boat repair guy. Gollum said he'd be right there. Adam ordered Grunwald unearthed. Adam really appreciates Lisa. Too much, if you ask me -- the swine.