Felicia couldn't get past Daphne to see Michaud. She told her she thought Kathleen an excellent choice for Lesoleil woman.
It's all up with Catlin if his cover is blown if the man sees him or the police back him up. Larry's going to see Adrienne.
Tommy has something to do. Adrienne told him another murder would be too risky. He says she has to do her part. She acquiesced.
Marley dropped by Jake's room.
Daphne questioned Felicia about her information. She suggested she talk to Michaud about this: "knowing how strongly you feel about this could make a big difference." Daphne is all for Kathleen. Enter Michaud, wildly glad to see Felicia. Daphne let him know Felicia had pegged Kathleen. Michaud set her straight. Kathleen is not. Who is?
Kathleen ran into Cass. They are a little awkward together but eager to get along. She has a date with Daniel for lunch. Reluctant. He's not thrilled but he's not offensive. She wants to know what he's up to. She's going to stuff herself before the necessary fast. His sotto voce advice to Daniel is about the level of "gather ye rosebuds while ye may, for tomorrow you die". Michaud called.
Marley persisted in trying to convince Jake he could never be sure which was which. He told her she shouldn't bother about the twin thing and be herself. She said she was practically negligible having lived so little. She has to catch up to the more experienced Victoria. She knows he finds Victoria attractive. She's bold. That's attractive. Jake said some men found her [Marley] extremely attractive. He likes her as she is. She told him Victoria had been lying to her all along.
Tommy Lee wants Adrienne to mind her own business. She thinks he's losing control. He says it's too late to get away from him. She's in this for keeps. Exit Tommy Lee. She called a hotel. Enter Larry.
Kathleen is stuffing herself according to plan as Daniel looks on in disbelief. She feels like a condemned woman. She told him Cass doesn't care about her and her feelings are purely professional. She told him he should plump for Frame-Harding. He told her that he already had. She embraced him across the table. "You are perfect, Daniel. Absolutely perfect."
Cass rushed over to Michaud's. He was told Michaud was to make all important decisions. Michaud told him Kathleen was no go.
Larry suggested Britt leave. Adrienne wants her to stay. Larry asked what was going on. She told him to get out before he got killed. He wants her out. She's upset. He's coming back for her. She wants him to leave her alone. Exit Larry. She called and had Polo follow him. She then spoke aloud saying she could now leave untrailed. Brittany listened and followed.
Marley told Jake Vic was from Pennsylvania but not how she knew. He tried to convince her it didn't matter. She still wants to experience life as Victoria has known it. He offered to help. She said not yet and fled. Enter Victoria (steamed) asking why she'd been there.
Cass pleaded Kathleen's case. Michaud agreed with all of his points. Michaud won't tell him who it is. Kathleen never knew he [Cass] wanted her. He loves her too much to want to hurt her. Michaud wants him to go to Europe immediately. Michaud said Cass was a good man. Cass wants to say goodbye to Kathleen before he goes.
Daniel related foul architecture he had hated stories Kathleen laughed madly. She asked about the visualization. Daniel: It gave her [Daphne] what she could only dream of before. Kathleen: Oh yeah, it gave her MICHAUD. He doesn't think she has any reason to be nervous. She won't turn out like Daphne. She'll turn out according to her own dream. Enter Peter to tell Kathleen Cass had quit her job for her. After bringing his delightful news he beat it gleefully. She's mad. She went to make a phone call in fury and ran into Felicia who thought she was raving insane about being (or not being) the Lesoleil woman. (Kathleen: you think you know somebody -- how long have you known him? Felicia: Cass? Kathleen: NO, NANOOK OF THE NORTH. Felicia: oh I don't know, about six years. Kathleen: well that's just about six years too much.)
Victoria felt like being bitchy and raved coldly about the charms of Dr Chris Chapin. Jake told her she must have slipped up because Marley knew about Pennsylvania. She denied it loudly. They have to keep her past at bay.
Marley has bought a canvas bag. LASSITER she said.
Felicia and Kathleen both told their reasons for taking fits over Cass at once. Kathleen dragged the whole story out of Felicia and took fresh fits over that. Felicia said he loved her. Kathleen said he didn't know what love was and she'd hoped they'd get it together BUT. Enter a subdued Cass. Exit Felicia.
Larry told MJ Adrienne thought Tommy Lee was losing it. They are worried. They don't know what's up.
Adrienne went to Dale in a motel room with intent to rescue her. The girl is drugged madly. Britt's outside the window. Adrienne intends to get out of this whole mess. A man stopped her.
Cass is humble and apologetic. Kathleen was near tears and spoke bitterly. He said he'd done it out of love for her. He wanted her to be Lesoleil woman because he considers her perfect. She hates him doing things behind her back. That's no relationship. He wants what is best for her. she feels he wants everyone to know she's wonderful EXCEPT HER.
Felicia suggested Kathleen could still be the Lesoleil woman considering he's made no announcement yet. He said Sally was more perfect. Felicia asked what if Sally won't. Michaud raved about her magical qualities. She won't tell.
The man told Adrienne he'd been sent by Tommy Lee. She protested but went with him. Britt went in through the window.
Victoria is jittery. Jake told her to calm down. She's afraid of losing everything. He says she's an irrevocable Love. He kissed her. They went to the bed. She loves him so much. She reminded him of the first time they met.
Victoria as a child speaking to a boy through a fence. "I'm going to be a Princess. And I'm going to live in a palace and have jewels and servants. And you're going to be my Prince. We'll have this big big boat and we'll sail all over." A bunch of nasty girls went past on their way to a party to which Victoria was not invited. She was denounced as ugly and poorly clothed. Marley woke up. She'd been dreaming it.
Brittany tried to get Dale up and out but she's bad. She got her propped up and staggered with her to the door but she was stopped by a blonde bespectacled man.
Cass told Kathleen he had to go to Europe and he didn't want to leave things so. She does. She thinks they'll have a better shot at growing up apart. Goodbye, Cass. Goodbye, Kathleen. Cass looked depressed. (Paul Young in the background. Every Time You Go Away. How sweet.)