May 1, 1985

Rachel getting a massage. Mac called and the masseur answered.

Tom got fired. She's upset with Carter.

Catlin yelled a fair bit. The driver got out of the car and said she'd jumped out of nowhere. Catlin begged Britt to "be all right." Sally came dashing out and told the driver to call an ambulance. She asked Catlin how it had happened.

The masseur turns the phone over to Rachel. His name is Roger. Rachel says things are LOVELY. He [Mac] asked if she had plans for the afternoon. He said he'd drop by. She said to call first. More massage.

Mac called Ada to tell her Rachel was polite but manned. He doesn't trust her [Rachel's] judgment. He wants Ada to visit her. Will do.

Joyce has found more missing drugs. She told Larry all about it. A call came about Brittany for the doctor there. "Female Caucasian" etc..

Catlin told Brittany she'd be all right. Sally pointed out "Honey, she can't hear you even when she's conscious." A lot of fuss. Medical, mostly. The driver told his story. Zane was questioned. He said "All I know is she was with HIM. She must've run out. Something must've MADE her run out." they asked who would ride in the ambulance. Once established that Catlin was her husband they seem to assume he'd go. Sally said she'd go with him. Zane said HE was going one way or t'other. They said there was only room for two. Sally relinquished her place. I guess they went. Maisie came dashing out to see what all the ruckus was about. "It's Brittany. " "Oh dear heaven. "

Neurologically she's intact. The abdomen is clinically benign. Chest and heart sounds are good. Abrasions and contusions. She's coming round. She's not out of the woods yet. Joyce calmed her down somewhat. She wants to know where Catlin is. Joyce seemed strange to find he was her husband. He's out in the hall they say.

Catlin is blaming himself into a hole on the ground. Larry says it's not his fault.

Some man [Roger?] told Rachel the Plains Motel was THE spot. . Rachel enthused about his hands. They [she & Ada] discussed Mac. Rachel doesn't want to take his [Mac's] word for it that she loves him madly.

Maisie told Carter and Tom all about Catlin and Sally and Brittany. Carter seems to be on Sally's side. Tom [just to be belligerent, I guess] said Brittany'd had it rough. Maisie loves them all. Tom's not accepting any decisions at Carter's hands. She's mad she was fired. She's mad at him. SHE'S IN THE RIGHT. Grant appeared and said "Hey there. How's Bay City favourite couple?" they discussed the Northwoods Inn. Tom's still getting barbs in. Grant left.

Catlin's still weird. Larry [for a wonder] is sane. Joyce came out and Catlin asked what was up. Zane rushed up and wanted to know too. Joyce was disconcerted but told them. Catlin's relieved. Zane asked if anyone can see her. Joyce said maybe after some tests. Larry asked if Catlin were okay. Catlin said he was and Sally would be there in a minute [Association of ideas if ever I've heard any]. Larry asked him about the drug thefts. [Catlin used words like "Compiles" and "Incident".] Larry dashed off and told him to wait for Sally. Zane trotted over and asked why Brittany had gone insane. Catlin said he'd said they didn't have a future together. Zane [being rational] said that's what he'd been telling her. Catlin said he said Sally was his wife and asked for divorce at which point Zane's attitude turned a complete about face and he went off at nutty angles. He didn't seem pleased for all he wants to whisk her off to Tahiti. Joyce came out and said Britt wouldn't let them do stuff to her and she wanted to see her husband. Sally leaped out of the elevator with a "Ping" and commanded Catlin to go. Go he did. He told Brittany to submit to the tests. She asked who cared. He said everybody did. He did. She said he didn't want her. He said he wanted her to get better. She said she wouldn't let them look after her if he wanted a divorce. He said that wasn't the issue. He apologized for hurting her. She said she'd waited and waited to find him. No divorce. The doctor said she mustn't be agitated. He told her to calm down and be helped. She said "Stay. " he said if she behaved they'd talk. She just kept begging him to stay. He promised not to go anywhere. [not in a forever sort of way though.]

Grant and Quinn discussed the Northwoods Inn and Tom and Carter. He says there was tenseness between them. She attributed it to money. Grant told her not to interfere.

Ada called Mac and told him Roger was a masseur. She's on Mac's side. She advised to get a move on in his intent to regain his wife. Like, TODAY.

They sound like Alice is gone for good. Joyce thinks Sally is handling the situation magnificently. Sally doesn't. On the one hand [this will work out to at least three, maybe four hands] she thinks of herself. And on another she thinks of Brittany. And on another she thinks of Catlin. And on another she just sort of considers the whole horrible mess. She refuses to be a victim. [I think this means she doesn't intend to let Brittany's plight cloud the issue.] Joyce thinks perhaps Zane who cares a great deal for Britt can help them. [Britt's the only fly in the ointment to three -- four if she'd shape up -- happinesses. Rotten woman.]

Zane's in with Britt. "Sweetie," he said "You're going to be OK." He told her Catlin had gone to meet Sally and she'd better accept the fact that Sally won't go away. He just kept telling her not to count on Catlin. She's counting on Time the great healer to restore him to her [fully intact. With no parts missing. Although I think he's got a few screws loose ...] Zane told her not to.

Mac was surprised and [lustfully?] pleased to find Rachel attired in a brand new black lacy thing. She wanted him to see it. She showed him also the bikini she'd bought when she found out a hotel had a pool. He was alarmed when he found out she intended to wear it in public. She has of course charged all of her purchases to him. She loves to shop. He doesn't mind if it makes her happy. She said he was generous. He said he had other good attributes as well. Such as? She asked. He said he'd show her when she thought it appropriate. All right she said that only when and if. In the meantime she wants to get to know him better. He asked her to go out with him this evening on a date. She accepted. He told her he had tickets for Traviata. She was surprised to hear she loves the opera and Traviata was her favorite. He told her she liked to cry over it. "Sounds depressing," she said. He said they could do something else. She said something fun. He agreed. She suggested the Plains Motel. "Motel?" "Are you game?" He gasped and gurgled and choked.

Quinn offered her ears to Tom and left. Carter and Tom were weird. She still in the right. He's still making a nuisance of himself. "You know there are some women who would've been grateful." She wants to do things for herself. She had a dizzy spell.

Zane: Mrs. Ewing? Sally: She was pretty bad there for a while but it looks like she'll be all right. Zane: Yeah, I'm grateful for that much. Sally: She's been through a lot. Zane: Britt's a fighter. She's a real fighter. Sally: I guess it's pretty hard to reach her on some things. Zane: When she knows her mind it is. Sally: Well in time I hope she'll understand the way things are now. Zane: But I wouldn't count on that if I were you. She's come a long hard road to get her husband back. Sally:You love her, don't you? Zane: Well, where I stand doesn't really matter does it. Sally: Yes, it does. Because you can help her. She's going to need you. Zane: Well she may need me but she wants him. She loves Catlin.

Carter was solicitous. All is well. She can't take aspirin. He apologized for upsetting her. Etc.. He said he loved her. She said she loved him. He went to help Maisie.

Larry wants to find out about drug tests with similar MO in other cities. Mac appeared. Larry left. He told Ada Rachel looked terrific and they had a date and she wanted him to take her to a motel. Things are looking up said Ada. [Whaffor's she on his side? Jerk.]

Joyce says Brittany is fighting the medication. She wants Catlin to stay. He said he'd stay until she fell asleep. She wants him to stay forevermore. She thinks she's his wife and he's her husband, poor deluded thing. Joyce told her to stop fighting the medication. She insisted they'd had a baby. Catlin said he would never forget Evan. She said he mustn't forget her. She said she wouldn't go away and she loved him. He was on the verge of kissing her as Sally appeared in the doorway.




I don't know if it's just me, but Joyce saying what Brittany wants said in a voice bordering on toneless is something I can do without. I like Zane's weird renditions better. So much fun in the "I'm your wife. We have a baby together" bits.

Is Alice gone forever more then? Mark certainly seems to have been erased from all minds.

Sally should sue him. Whaffor I don't know. Something hideous.