May 2, 1985

Nancy and Perry are at the Plains Motel. Nancy loves him. Perry's negatives are bizarre. He asked why she hadn't told him Jake caught her in his closet.

Jake's been invited to the Loves' for dinner. Victoria's jealous. She wants him to take her to the Plains Motel. She asked him to promise not to kiss Marley tonight.

Kathleen's cooking a roast. Cass returned after slopping and being slopped by a rather large pig. He's covered from head to toe in mud. Kathleen's laughing madly. There's no shower. There's a tub without plumbing.

Jamie told Rachel Mac was a wonderful man. She asked about Steve. He told her he died in a car accident on the way to their wedding. Mac arrived. Jamie fled to MJ. Mac's still labouring under the delusion that they're going to a motel. Rachel set him straight.

Jake accused Victoria of being jealous. She's not in a good temper. Still [upset] over not being kept. She said he could go and she'd be all right. Kissing. She told him not to have too much fun. He left. She said p'raps she'd go find some fun of her own.

Cass is getting cleaned up much to Kathleen's delight. He thinks her roast is kind of -- pungent. She said she had to call Jamie. He objected. He splashed her and she objected. He promised he wouldn't if she kissed him. She complied and he pulled her right in so she's sitting in the water with her legs out. She's not unhappy. During the commercial they got dried and bathrobed and Kathleen called home to say she was divinely happy on a farm. Kathleen asked about the roast. It seems she's botched it rather. Jamie wanted to talk to her. He told her she deserved a good time and the magazine was grand but Peter wanted Cass for publicity. Cass didn't want to go back until she said he was the one they wanted. Then he was thrilled and wanted to leave lickety-split. She was put out.

Marley's dippily happy with Jake. She took him to see the cherry trees. Donna told Bridget Marley had found the bracelet and apologized. Bridget biffed off for the hors-d'oeuvres and Jake and Marley returned. Donna followed Bridget. Marley thanked Jake for coming. He said pretty much he was thrilled to be there [he sounds like Dirk/Clint rather].

Nancy told Perry she wasn't suspicious of Jake. She told him about the pictures of Marley. Perry doesn't like it.

Victoria's at the Plains Motel living it up in a pinky-peachy dress.

Rachel's musing on Steve Frame not noticing how unfond of him Mac is. She's trying to figure out her life.

Racket at the Plains Motel.

Jake's conditionals are truly awful. He's weird that Donna didn't have coffee with them. Marley's theory: it just takes Donna a while to warm up to people, that's all. [She was most emphatically not around during Catlin and I guess didn't notice Sandy. Donna is in my estimation a very easily warmed person.] Bridget brought Marley a letter from Ben. She opened it eagerly then said oh no. Jake was solicitous. Ben's letter said he'd made some new friends and his interests had changed. Sondra is one of his new friends. She's upset. Jake was comforting.

Victoria saw Nancy and Perry so she put on sunglasses and danced with a guy she'd snubbed before.

Rachel and Mac arrived and saw Nancy and Perry. We're all thrilled.

Kathleen's roast is no good but Cass is kind about it. They argued about their relative successes. She said he wasn't the only reason Bravo's great this issue. He called her jealous. She told him she was his driving force. He said he was sick of what she considered good for him. She [stung] talked about Majorca and death and pawnshops and told about not recalling the trucks when she could have. He called her pushy and ambitious. She said he needed her to push him. They were both rotten. "Now a guy doesn't want his woman to compete with him." GRRR. [She's 27.] he accused her of being rotten at relationships because she ran when things got too hot. She said his reaction was to be hurtful and childish. She went to pack. Running away again, he sneered.

Perry asked Nancy what she intended to do after graduation. She has Bay State leanings. He started to say something about if she went away but he clammed up.

Rachel kept talking about Steve, to Mac's annoyance. They got up to dance.

Victoria snubbed her guy again. Nancy saw her and drew Perry's attention to her. She called her "Marley" and Vic fled. "What was she doing here?" "Did you see that?" "Yeah, that was very strange." "She just ignored us."

Jake offered Marley his shoulder if she wanted to cry ever. She said she was a fool to've thought that she and Ben could take up where they left off when he returned. He said he'd hold her any time she wanted and left.

MJ wished she were more impulsive like Kathleen. Jamie said she was the most exciting woman he'd ever known kissed her and left after expressing his approval of Cass and Kathleen's reunion.

Kathleen's snappish. Cass: you know what I find peculiar? Kathleen: I know who I find peculiar. He said she was editor in name only. "Token female" was the gist of his remarks. He said they had to load the car and then realized they had to stay to milk Naomi. "Your public, Cass, they'll just die." He went upstairs instructing her to carry her own suitcase up. She yelled that she wouldn't sleep in that feather bed nor listen to his voice. She grabbed his car keys and left.

Rachel apologized to Mac for going on about Steve. She had a flash of memory.

Perry took Nancy home. She has to read The Scarlet Letter. They love each other. He says he's been thinking-----nothing. She's driven bats. Kissing.

Donna told Marley Ben was shallow and there were other fish in the sea. Marley's crying. Donna said she had her whole life to look forward to and she [Donna] would see she got everything.

Mac was thrilled. He swore he'd win her back and left.


