Mac and Rachel waited. Rachel longs to see Mitch punished.
Mitch phoned Mary's Place and left a cryptic message for Felicia with Cheryl.
Reporters hounded Brittany. Catlin was very protective of her.
Rachel fretted. Reginald dropped by to express sympathy and offer assistance. He was desperately insincere. He got Mac to admit that it wasn't like Peter to be guilty of the things of which Brittany had accused him.
Scott asked Cheryl to go for a drive and a chat. [Friends and Lovers is playing in the background. How bizarre.]
Zack thinks Peggy is unreasonable. Jamie tried to get Brittany to relax. Sara told Catlin she had surrendered Peter Reginald to the Love butler. He was not pleased.
Rachel told Reginald Mitch had kidnapped Matthew. Reginald pretended to know nothing about Mitch. He informed Mac that he owned the Hawthorne building where Brava is housed. [What is the Complex then? Have they forgotten, or are the buildings synonymous?] Mac was astonished. Reginald showed himself out.
Cheryl told Felicia some guy had said he was a friend of hers who had been out of town and was on his way home and she was to wait there for a message. It was not as cryptic to Felicia as it had been to Cheryl.
Victoria had a nice chat with Michael on the telephone. She told Reginald her affection for Michael would not persuade her that he [Reginald] was responsible for Donna's condition. He was grateful. Peter's home in his own bed. Reginald said he wanted to make up for all those years ago. He asked her to help him bring the love back into the house.
Scott accused Cheryl of avoiding him. She said she felt as if she had put her foot in it with all that talk of love.
Mitch found Felicia. She admitted Rachel had sworn out a complaint against him. He asked her to meet him at highway 30 and the county line to take Matthew back while he turned himself into his parole officer. She called him a jerk.
The judge was delayed. Brittany fretted. The judge appeared and asked her to rise. She was petrified. He told her she had been indicted for attempted murder. She recalled the incident in question. The judge asked her how she pled. She took some prompting. NOT GUILTY, YOUR HONOUR. The judge revoked her bail. Zack protested that Brittany was in poor health. The judge insisted on revoking bail. Court was adjourned.
Reginald asked Victoria to help bring Mary back into the family. He said he thought Mary could reach Donna -- help cure her and reunite her with her loving father. Victoria was moved. She thought she saw someone on the terrace.
Scott and Cheryl went out to the gazebo.
Felicia greeted Matthew rapturously. She bullied Mitch into showing up at the Corys to explain.
Jamie reported on the hearing to the Corys. Mac and Rachel are divided. Mac has deep thoughts about chaos.
Reginald rushed Victoria out to see Mary. The conehead trotted into say the arrangements were all in order. The impostor is waiting for her call. Gomez is a little dubious about the plan but Reginald is determined to get Mary back.
Kissing. Cheryl called a halt and asked Scott to say how he felt. She said she knew but she wanted him to say it.
Matthew is beginning to realize the enormity of his sin. He is not aware that Rachel has it in for Mitch. Felicia pulled up at the Cory Romance. Matthew ran in. His family greeted him rapturously. Felicia entered followed by Mitch. Mitch was arrested. Matthew protested.
Brittany was dressed in a cute little gray prison outfit. She was the cutest thing imaginable in her prison togs. Catlin reassured her. She asked him about the baby. She doesn't want to be shut up. Catlin was told to leave. She panicked. He told her he loved her. Twice.
Scott and Cheryl theme music. Something about natural love. Scott told Cheryl he loved her. Her, Cheryl Jean [or G, or something] McKinnon. Nothing can keep us apart. Absolutely nothing.
Reginald sat Bridget in a chair with a good view, opened the terrace doors, and turned back. Victoria returned and stood in the Wrong Spot. Reginald jumped to shove her out of the way and caught the knife between his shoulder blades or thereabouts.