What's New 12/03/97

NT Beta Trial

The beta trials of the new CDDA32 for NT are just about over. We expect to have the new version out in the next week or so. All registered users who indicated that they were using NT on their registration should automatically receive the update.

Unofficial CD-Text FAQ started

There is a growing interest in the new CD standard called CD-Text which allows album titles, artist names, track names and images to be stored in some previously unused portions of regular audio CDs. There are many home audio CD players available now that will already handle these CDs, and surprisingly there are a large number of audio CDs available now with CD-Text.


will be maintained only as new information rolls in. If someone else wants to volunteer to do it for us, you are more than welcome.

GUI based install program available

We now have a GUI based install front end for CDDA32. It is our first crack at this sort of thing so let us know how it works. We are also offering the DLLs and EXEs in separate download files to make downloading new versions fast.

New ASPI drivers found

We found a zip file out on the net that has brand spanking new ASPI drivers. They are newer than the ones found in the ASPI32.EXE file on Adaptec's site. The best part is that they allow both ATAPI and SCSI drive support under both Win95 and WinNT. No longer do we have to worry about losing the ATAPI support when loading new ASPI drivers from Adaptec.

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