I continued along to Stonehenge by the main road. Although it is more impressive than the "castle" it was, of course, absolutley packed with tourists & surrounded by that awful barbed wire. But I was not disappointed by the size like Martin was. It looked huge. I got rather lost on the way to Winchester but really enjoyed the countryside & country lanes. Preactically every village had its fete. I stopped in West Dean for a snack & pint of milk. It's a lovely place with T.R.C.s again.
I arrived in Winchester about 5:30 & found a fleabag room over a greasy-spoon restaurant, but it was only £2 so I treated myself to a steak dinner with sherry, wine & coffee with rum! The cathedral was a beautiful building but I didn't think much of its spire compared with Salisbury. I can't decide now between Peterborough & Salisbury, but I think the latter is most beautiful. I also had a nice walk along the river by the weirs.
