I arrived in Bath at about 6:30 or 7 & found an Italian (Bath is full of them) guest house for £2.25 B&B. I had three separate suppers while wandering around the town: steak & kidney pie & chips, beefburger & chips then a pizza.
Today I walked all the way across town to find a bike shop, only to be told he couldn't have it done 'til tomorrow lunchtime. So I walked around Bath & saw the sights & found the train & bus stations then found the hostel (open tonight.) Bath makes me feel as if I had stepped back into Georgian or Victorian England. Row upon row of row houses. Very proper well kept parks etc. etc. I also went to see the baths. Fantastic! (Got in with open-to-view.) I never realized how thoroughly the Romans settled in England until I saw this place, museum & guide's talk. Unfortunately my flash only worked once then wouldn't go on again, but I suppose you've seen it anyway & did you have a drink of the water? I did but didn't think it tasted different.
