Sunday June 8 1975
Near Coniston Water
Today I think I have walked as much as ridden. From Wastwater this morning I went 'round the first set of hills but I then had to cross three more to get to Coniston. I could have gone via the Hardknott Pass & the Wrynose Pass but I've heard quite a bit about them these last few days so I decided to cross farther south where the hills weren't quite as high. Well they may not have been as high but they certainly were steep!
The first was beside Birker Moor & Ulpha Fell & I walked all the way up. At the top I could see that there would have been an absolutely beautiful view if only it hadn't been so hazy. It's been another very hot, very sunny & very hazy day. I then rode bum above head down hills that were as steep as 1 in 4. After going through Ulpha (down at 300 ft) I had to climb again to about 800 ft. This time, I tried to follow the map which said there was a road where all I could find was a bridleway. I followed it anyway and after losing myself once or twice in the middle of some farmer's field, I got back on the right road & over the hill. Back down to 300 ft again then up to 600 and a stop for a late lunch at Torver. Except the pub was just closing & could only sell me a couple of bags of potato chips, two Mars bars & a cider.
