I don't think I have the time right now to give a detiled description of each day, though I should really, just to keep it straight in my head.

Tuesday we went to Jodrell Bank [radio telescope]. Fascinating & took lots of photos. Then went to Edale & met Jane again (she came round for Monday supper) & Bill playing cricket. The are now hoping to buy a lovely little farm in Edale & turn it into an arts school-cum-campsite-cum-riding stable with the help & partnership of a friend called Gordon. But the farm looks too nice & someone else may bid more than they can afford. Supper was late, 10:00 pm, 'cause we stopped at a couple of pubs. Edale is a beautiful valley.

Wednesday I went around to see Uncle George in the morning then spent the afternoon washing, reoiling & generally fixing up the bike. I must have had something that disagreed with me that night, though, because as soon as I went to bed I felt a stomach-ache coming on & at 4 in the morning I was violently sick.

Thursday I spent in bed. During the morning, I was running to the bathroom & heaving every hour on the hour.