Wapta Icefield - Day 4

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August 17, 2012 - Mount Thompson(3065m)

Another early start, but we decided to do an easy day. Mt. Thompson was our goal, which is a fairly short glacier approach and then an easy 400m scramble to the summit. Amazingly, we had another bluebird day which started off cool and then got warmer as the sun came up. After a 1.5 hour trudge with our aching legs across the glacier, a short snow ramp brought us to the pile of rubble that is known as Mount Thompson. We dropped all of our ice and climbing gear at the base and spent the next hour scrambling up the loose rocks to the summit. There were actually three summits, all about the same height so I had to use my compass to verify which was the true one (at least according to the map). Turns out it is the center one and there is a small plaque on the summit for someone named Thompson. I think the mountain had already been named prior to the plaque installation, but this fellow's son had installed it as a memorial. On the way down, we found a big pile of abandonned scientific equipment. We explored this for a bit, took some photos and GPS coordinates. Perhaps we will complain to Environment Canada, who had proudly labelled this stuff. I took a spatula which survived the elements and this will make a good addition to my kitchen arsenal. The slog back across the snow was long as the surface had turned mushy. A drunken sailor walk brought us all the way back to the toe, where we scampered down to the hut and had a second lunch. Since today was only 7.5 hours, it can be considered a rest day.

Mount Thompson. Our goal for today.

Mount Thompson (left) and Portal Peak (right).

A strange rock formation on Portal's shoulder looks like a person on the ridge.

Rubble scrambling up Thompson.

Looking down at Wheeler hut.

Summit of Mount Thompson.

Leisha was really glad she got here.

Leisha and Ivan.

Looking down at Bow Lake, a thousand meters below us.

Memorial plaque on summit.

What is that? Is someone camping down there?

No, not a campground, some leftover research junk.

Thanks for littering the mountain, Environment Canada. Maybe you need to learn some LNT priciples.

Returning to Bow hut for the last time.

Rick, the bestest dressed mountaineer.

Enjoying some time on the balcony.

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