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May 17, 2024 - Gorrie Lake

The night was much warmer, but that meant the bugs were out right way. The trail today was much easier travel as there was significantly less blow down to deal with and the elevation gain was more moderate, though still enough of the up and downs to keep us in shape. Dave and Dominique's feet were not getting any better so when we took our first break at a beautiful spot at Copper Lake, we decided to take a shortcut to FourBass Lake. This saved us about three or four kilometers, but unfortunately we missed what is supposedly one of the nicest sections of the trail.

At FourBass Lake we encountered a hydro-electric dam and stopped for lunch here in the deserted parking lot as the open area was mercifully bug free. The hike up the Matabitchuan River was beautiful with many small waterfalls which were enticing for a swim on this sweltering day. Climbing up to the lookouts on the ridge above FourBass Lake had us sweating buckets, but the effort was worth it for the view. The ridge walk continued with some views onto Gorrie Lake after which the trail descended and we decided to camp at the beautiful site here.

Hydro power generation station

The Gates of Sauron keeping the waters of FourBass Lake from escaping down the Matabitchuan

A lookout along the ridge above FourBass

Giant petrified scat of Smaug

To maintain our pace to finish the hike in four days meant this was too early to quit today, however the blister problems that Dave and especially Dominique are experiencing are getting serious. My right heel is starting to show a sign of irritation too, but I think it will be ok with some taping. Will have to see what tomorrow brings, but perhaps we will pull out at Friday Lake where we there is a road access. The mid afternoon arrival at camp today meant there was time for a nap and a swim at this lovely spot though.

Hike Time: 8 hours
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