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May 15, 2024 - Grand Campment Bay

Dave and Dominique picked me up in the morning and we drove to Deb's place. We debated taking just the truck, but in the end Dave and Dom decided to drive their car for comfort and the ability to get out a few hours earlier on the last day as they would be able to drive home while Deb shuttled the truck on the last day. We convoyed up to Temagami and dropped the car off at Gramps general store, loading everyone into the truck for the slow and very rough drive down Rabbit Lake road to the trailhead.

By 16:30, we were parked and began gearing up for the hike. At this point I realized with a bit of dismay that despite lots of planning I had brought the wrong boots! I have two nearly identical pairs of boots, the old ones being very comfortable and the new ones giving me some foot problems thanks to a slight redesign by the manufacturer. Somehow I managed to grab the new ones while packing. Nothing I could do about this now though, but lace them up and hope for the best over the next 85 kilometers.

Four intrepid souls about to set off into the Ontario wilderness

After an hour and a half of walking through hordes of hungry black flies on fairly easy and flat trail, we arrived at Grand Campment Bay, explored the three camp sites here, and chose the beautiful one on the point for our first nights stay.

Well signed way

Beaver bridges a-plenty

Camp at Grand Campment

Hike Time: 1.5 hours
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