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June 11, 2022 - Shigaug Lake

I had a rough sleep and I think the others had similar. The ground was fairly uneven, and when I was not being woken up by sliding down to the foot of the tent, I was replaying the scenario from yesterday in my head. We departed camp early and Melanie set a brutal pace so that in seemingly no time at all we had traversed the 5 km to where we were supposed to be this morning.

A pretty lake

From here we climbed in the sunshine up onto the La Cloche mountain range. This was gorgeous hiking along the open quartzite ridges with views everywhere, so we stopped frequently to enjoy them and rest. A long steep descent brought us down to a water source just in time for lunch. This was followed by a long climb back up onto the ridge. Another steep gully down, followed by another endless climb up through a Middle-Earth forest had us expecting to run into hobbits, but instead we met a friendly Swiss couple travelling the other direction. They were very enamoured with this trail, though commented that they were finding it very challenging. As I have hiked/climbed some very challenging routes in the Swiss Alps, I was impressed that they were impressed with our lowly Ontario bumps we call mountains.

Lots of ridge walking

The forest of Middle Earth

We continued climbing and with a bit of scrambling, topped out on a prominent domed summit where we took an extended break. Tired now, we pushed on, descending again and then a final climb to Shigaug Lake. The campsite was on the far side of the lake which caused some groans in the group as the faint access path wound around and then up over a local hill, before mercifully descending to the turqoise blue lakeside camp.

Relaxing on today's summit

We settled in on the rough ground, soaked in the cold water to sooth our aching muscles after this long day, and spent a long time eating a multi course supper. Thankfully tomorrow is anticipated to be a shorter one.

Qudoos captivating us with a story around camp

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