Charlevoix Traverse - Day 7

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February 27, 2015 - 11 km

Yet another freezing cold day. We estimate it at about -30 in the morning. Fortunately the sun was out and the wind was coming from the North at our backs. About two kilometers of easy skiing brought us to our single climb of the day, which went up about 600 feet. The trail was fairly gentle with switchbacks as necessary, so the climb was accomplished on wax. Once on top of the mountain, we traversed its wide summit for a couple more kilometers before making the descent. The ski down was a hoot with not many parts that were too steep, so it went fairly quickly. This brought us to a groomed ski track where we regrouped and took a short break. The five kilometers of shuffling along the groomed trail seemed to take forever, as the BC skis really do not work well on this type of terrain. Couple that with the mental boredom of this trail compared to the phenomenal skiing in the woods during the past week. After some confusion upon regrouping at the base of the ski resort, we were inside with beers and fried food. We spent the night in Baie St. Paul had some good food, and way too much beer.

A ski bug.

Traversing along the top of the mountain.

Some boring groomed trail for the last five kilometers.

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