Charlevoix Traverse - Day 6

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February 26, 2015 - 20 km

Another freezing cold day with the temperature well off the scale. At least the wind was fairly light and the sun was shining. A dusting of a few centimeters of new fallen snow helped freshen up the crust nicely. It turned out to be a fantastic day of skiing. The terrain was fairly level with no major hills, but enough short climbs and descents to keep things exciting. Most of the downhills were fairly gentle and rolling so there was lots of hooting and hollering as we were all having a blast. We felt bad for Ivan who was still struggling with his injured leg, hence had to remain in skins and shuffle along during all these fun parts. The snow off the side of the trail was ridiculously deep though, so woe to the person who tried to slow down in the powder, as the deep snow provided really good stopping power as your single ski sank down several feet and you came to a sudden stop with one leg. This manouver unfortunately did not cause your second leg to stop, and also due to the laws momentum conservation meant that your backpack kept going at constant velocity. With all these laws of physics in motion the end result is a face full of snow followed by a difficult extraction of the body from a deep human made moose hole. After a group effort making several of these moose holes for the followers to fall into, and a couple breaks later in the day in the warm sunshine, a long ski across flat terrain brought us to our home for the night.

Is it cold Pat?

Bridge closed... i.e. no snowmobiles!

Deb and Kat having a break in the sun.

Andy showing some telemark style.

Ivan making a moose hole.

It's a glorious day!

Traversing a triple power line cut.

We never could figure this one out but we saw several. No wolves? No howling? Do not let your pet wolf poo on the trail?

Skiers straight ahead. Upside-down cyclists, turn left.

Chalet l'Epervier.

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