Ottawa to Fredericton - Day 7

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Thursday, September 13 - La Pocatiere, QC - 108 km

It got really cold last night, but the clouds cleared away and I awoke to a starry early morning. I warmed up to some scrambled eggs and potatoes as I packed up camp. I think this was the nicest campsite I have found so far. Started riding just before 07:00, but quickly stopped to put on some full finger gloves as it was very nippy. Almost right away, my right knee started bothering me. It was bugging me slightly at the end of yesterday too. This is not a re-occurance of the injury I sustained a couple years ago. It is more of a slight aggravation in behind my knee cap. It was possible to keep riding, so I did. I stopped once to change my seat height, but that did not seem to help so I put it back. I found I could ride standing up just fine, as well as pedalling while only applying power to the left leg. I kept going. Only the climbs were really bothersome, which there were many, until I turned north and began my descent into the St. Lawerence valley. I now rode a 30 km downhill, which was very easy going, much to the joy of my right knee. Scenery was forest, and more forest. A truck would pass every 10 minutes or so, but other than that, there was no traffic. I finally got a glimpse of the St. Lawerence river, and I realized how high I was. I have felt like I have been doing nothing but climbing for the past couple of days, and I guess that was the case. As I descended, it gradually got warmer, until I finally hit the bottom at St. Eugene where I stripped down to shorts. I now turned east along various back roads, simply following signs directing from town to town. This area is incredibly flat with mountains rising up to the south and the monstrous St. Lawerence River to the north. Small farms dot the roadside. Various signs mark the road I am on as dedcated bike routes, but since I have no detailed map I just blunder along in a general north-easterly direction. I finally reach La Pocatiere and start looking for a hotel. I pass two immediately at the highway interchange, but continue on into town to find something a little closer. I bike into the main part of town and a motorist stops to ask where I am going. This is the first person in all of Quebec to have taken an interest. He did not speak English very well, but his English was better than my French, so he directed me to a hotel just down the street wher I decided to stay. After checking in and cleaning up a bit, I took a walk around town to see what was there. There is a nice park with some short hiking loops which I may try tomorrow, and I found what I believe to be the only pub. I went in and bumbled along in French, managing to drink a couple beers and order a pizza with asparagus and brocolli on it. I was still hungry after leaving so I went down to the grocery store and bought a fresh loaf of bread, some brie cheese, and a bottle of wine. I figured this would keep me occupied for the rest of the night.

The center of every town in Quebec has an elaborate church.

Descending into the St. Lawerence valley for 30 km.

Once down in the valley, the land was dead flat, with island like mountains in the fields.

The Cegep college in La Pocatiere.

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