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July 4, 2012 - Fish Lake - 7 km paddle, 2 portages

Awoke to another gorgeous day. The wind blew all night but it died down as I sat and had my morning coffee. Katja got up and we had a breakfast of oatmeal and fresh blueberries. Packed up camp and started paddling into a gentle breeze. At the far end of the lake we came to the start of the three kilometer portage to Great Mountain Lake. There is a section of this trail which looks like it would be navigable if the water levels were slightly higher. As they were not we elected to avoid getting stuck in the mud and just carried the whole way. The trail was easy, though it went over a small open summit with rock cairns marking the way across the open expanse of quartzite. Took a summit photo of the canoe before descending the last kilometer of trail to the lake. With relief that the carry was over we loaded up and paddled across to the next portage. This one was only about 400m so was quickly won. At the far side was a small run down cabin with a prominently displayed "No Tresspassing" sign affixed to the front door. I peeked in the window but could not see much inside. After a snack on the shore we headed out onto Fish. I paddled and Katherina pumped water as we made our way down the lake. The first campsite was on a small island. It was nice so we decided to stay. Today is the first day of this trip we have not seen any people. It is mid-afternoon as I write this, so it looks like we may be free of human sitings on this day. The pile of garbage that I collected scattered across the island is a constant reminder of their presence however.

Climbing out to a summit on the portage.

Canoe on summit.

Cabin at end of portage.

Our island for the night.

While we were eating supper, this rusty old stove walked on by.

Burning the garbage of the island. The stove looks on, glad that we are not burning that crap inside of it.

View from the porch.

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