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July 4, 2010 - Radiant Lake to Cedar Lake - 3 portages totalling 2505 m

Last night we were awoken to a "large" animal stomping around outside the tent. I got up to investigate and discovered a threatening, but fairly cute bunny rabbit. I awoke early, but since the mosquitos were fierce and my book was done, I stayed in the tent and listened to Katharina's mp3 player until she woke up. As we set off onto Radiant we had a bit of breeze which made travel slow. However we gained the Petawawa river in fairly short order and spent the next several hours travelling upstream in relative ease. The day got very hot so we took a swim at the start of the second portage. Strangely we did not meet any other people on this stretch, which is odd because this is a fairly popular route. At the end of the final portage we ate lunch on the shore of Cedar Lake, which was being whipped up by the wind into quite a chop. We set off and crossed as fast as we could into the shelter of the large islands in the middle. Here we could take a breather, before heading back out into open water. The last bay was spent battling some brutal wind and waves. The ride was bumpy, but not dangerous so we just continued paddling until we finally reached Brent after two solid hours of hard work.

Another sunny day!

The abandoned CN rail line.

One final rest prior to crossing Cedar Lake.

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