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July 3, 2010 - North Depot Lake to Radiant Lake - 6 portages totalling 1695 m

A much warmer night was to be had, and we awoke to a hot morning. I went for a quick swim after breakfast which was quite refreshing. I paddled us along the length of North Depot Lake as Katharina filtered water from the bow seat. A gentle wind made the going slow so I was glad when the filtering was done and she could help with the paddling. We reached the North River again and spent the rest of the day travelling down this. The portages were short, but frequent. Katharina carried the canoe for most of them so gave my aching shoulders a rest today. At the bottom of one of the portages, we found a great deep pool, and since it was very hot out we dove in for a nice cool swim. We had lunch on the shores of Clamshell Lake, and then a couple more portages brough us to Radiant Lake. As we were eating lunch we saw a moose swimming across the lake. Obviously the moose enjoyed going for cool dips on a hot day as well. The wind on Radiant was howling, kicking up nice size waves. We decided to head West along the North shore as we could then simply ride the wind as we bounced towards several campsites. The first one we came to was unoccupied and quite nice so we pulled up on the rocky beach and set up camp. With the long beach and surf sized waves I feel like I am sitting along the ocean here, albeit an ocean where the other side is only a couple of kilometers away.

Paddling down the North River.

Portaging on slab.

Our swimming hole.

Look closely, there is a moose swimming in the middle of the lake.

A family of 21 ducklings!

Waves along the shore of Radiant Lake.

Our campsite had a dance floor.

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