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May 18, 2007 - Burntroot Lake to Luckless Lake - 19km paddle, 5 portages (1670m), 1 km hike

Another beautiful sunny day with absolutely no wind made it a perfect day for paddling. After a quick oatmeal breakfast, we paddled up Burntroot Lake to the north end. The water was so smooth that droplets off the end of the paddle would roll acrross the surface of the lake like beads across a table. A short portage brought us to the Petawawa River. We followed this for most of the morning. Short portages got us around the rapids. One set of rapids was simple enough that we just ran it in the kevlar canoe, skipping the 90m portage entirely. At the end of the final portage on the river there was a campsite with a nice place to sit, so we sat and ate lunch. We paddled out onto Catfish Lake and navigated through the many islands and little bays. A female moose made an appearance at one point, crossing a swampy area between two islands. We continued paddling north and after a short time reached the portage to Luckless Lake. This one was short but very muddy. A quick paddle brought us to our campsite, the only one on this lake. Spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing in the warm sunshine. Later we decided to canoe over to the portage across the lake and hike over to Lynx Lake. This had to be proceeded by food hanging so we set out into the woods to do so. The woods here are very unfriendly for hanging food. All the trees are far too tall. We finally found a cedar tree which had blown over on an angle, and after about 3 million throws, we got the rope over in a suitable location. The Lynx Lake portage was somewhat overgrown, but since we were just hiking, this was not a problem. On the far side was a bunch of old metal implements and the requisite dented buckets. Search we did, but we could not find any remains of old buildings. Dinner was Indian boil bags again. I feel like I got too much sun today. After eating and drinking a bunch of fluids, I feel much better though. Looking very forward to a cold beer tomorrow!

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