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[Cheese Icon] Jay's Cheesy Website

You've hit Jay's personal website.

[Go ride! Bring your lights!]

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This site is still evolving, mainly driven with content updates, as opposed to updating and evolving the underlying plumbing. I am years behind the times in extending this site's presentation to be friendlier to tiny mobile portrait screens, but that change is in the works. Many years have passed since this site's inception in summer 2002 (21 years ago, outlasting many of its former contemporaries!). Yet incredibly, the basic look and design has stayed the same, without looking overly dated. Still want to celebrate? In that case, choose classic, current cool making money with Bell Canada, or car payments.

[The Classic Dancing Banana!]

(This calls for the dancing banana!!)

Even as a diversion and experimental platform from which this site was hatched, I admittedly have not been able to maintain and update this site as much as I would have liked. I think I'll need Freedom 55 to roll around before much will change.

Somehow I managed to decide on a simple and clean look, that's still fresh in 2023. Good stuff, because it means no work for me doing trivial window dressing updates ;-) Google still seems to be my ally in the simple no nonsense design. I do need to work on moving the site over to a responsive web design that adapts itself better to narrow screens.

Speaking of Google, I still hold the (ahem) esteemed distinction of being the top Google search result for the terms "jay's cheesy website". How'd that happen?

You still have to watch out for the cheese around here though.