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[Cheese Icon] Jay's Cheesy Website

Pure Cheese

So what's with all the cheese references and cheesiness around here?

Credit university - where it all started. My first year at school, I started noticing the word "cheesy" being tossed around in casual conversation. Friends used it, peers used it, yet a certain credibility was lacking - until hearing my TAs (teaching assistants) using it.

Before university, cheesy meant cheese-like (i.e. the food) or cheese flavoured. To my odd enlightenment, "cheesy" used in a slang context described something as garish, juvenile, sub par; a shamelessly crude and poor knock-off (hey - I came from a small town, survived, and lived to tell about it today).

The word stuck, and is the perfect adjective for this website. This is merely a personal site, and as such isn't taken too seriously. I'm not that important in this world.

This simple site was started in the summer of 2002, as a continued outlet for implementing and experimenting with web and internet stuff. If you really wind the clock back, this site's original beginnings came out of a university dorm in 1997 - when the web was taking off as a mainstream communications medium. Becoming some smörgåsbord of compelling content was the least of the design considerations.

Yeah, exactly - how cheesy.

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