Avro ARROW and Canadian Aerospace Links

Avro ARROW CF-105

Photo printed with permission of the Artist, Randy L. Whitcomb

Rest in Peace Randy.

Original Image signed by Jan Zurakowski.

Rest in Peace Jan.


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The Purpose Of This Home Page

Like many Canadians, I have an interest in the history of Canadian aviation and aerospace.  One of  my particular interests are the events that surround the development and ultimate destruction of the CF-105 Avro Arrow.  A review of the Internet will reveal that there are many fine pages already in existence that are dedicated to explaining the purpose of the AVRO Arrow.  Not wishing to duplicate their efforts, I have decided to design this page to supply information that is generally not found on most of the other Arrow pages and to provide links to some of the more notable Arrow home pages.   This page is also a member of the Avro Arrow web ring and you can connect to other web ring sites at the bottom of this page. As well, since the Canadian aerospace industry is now flourishing, I have also created a series of links to some of the aerospace leaders in Canada.


A  report on the 40th anniversary of the first flight of Avro Arrow 201


Jan Zurakowski in front of a model of Arrow 201 at the 40 th. anniversary of the first flight of Avro Arrow 201 on March 21, 1998.


On March 21, 1998, I attended the 40th anniversary of the first flight of Avro Arrow 201.  I videotaped much of the events of that day, and the pictures and text in this report are taken from my personal video. Additional photographs were provided by Nick Dorans and Michael Brigham. If I made any spelling mistakes of people's names, I apologize in advance, and I would welcome any corrections. My e-mail address is

"thegeographer @ yahoo.com."

The Aerospace Heritage Foundation of Canada held a special series of events to commemorate this historical event. The location was the  Toronto Airport Holiday Inn, 970 Dixon Road, Toronto, ON.   The events were held on the evening of March 21, 1998 and it started at 6:00 pm with a display of Avro, Avro Arrow and Canadian Aerospace items. Some of the pictures of  this special Arrow display (including a few small Arrow "pieces") are available for viewing here:

40th Anniversary Pictures:


Then, at 7:00 pm, everyone adjourned to the banquet hall for the formal events of the evening:


The following is a summary of the formal section:

  After the video, the past employees of Avro Canada and the past and current employees of Orenda were asked to stand up, and they were then toasted by the people in attendance.

Head Table

The highlight of the evening (in my opinion) was a series of speeches featuring the following four people:

Cutting the Cake

From left to right: Nick Dorans, Jan Zurakowski and Jim Floyd.
Jan with wife Anna

Arrow Remains: The Bits and Pieces

Although the Arrows and their related material were ordered destroyed 40 years ago, some bits and pieces did survive and a few more items do seem to appear from time to time. This section of the Arrow home page is intended to list all of the remaining Avro Arrow CF105 "artifacts" in existence. Some of them are in museums, some are in libraries and archives, and other pieces....? The following list shows where some of the material is located.

And now, some links to other AVRO Arrow CF-105 Sites:

The Avro Arrow Chat board.

Visit the Avro Arrow message board. .

Read and post messages about the Arrow or anything of an aerospace nature

  • Canadian Arrow

    The Canadian Arrow is a 54-ft long, two-stage, three person sub-orbital rocket with the second stage doubling as an escape system. The first stage is 33.5 ft. long and 5.4 ft. in diameter with four fins at the base for aerodynamic stability. A single 57,000-lb thrust liquid propellant rocket engine propels the first stage. The first stage propellants are fed to the engine using a pressurized gas system. This system is made up of two propellant tanks for fuel and oxidizer, topped by a single composite construction high-pressure gas sphere. Steering of the vehicle is accomplished using graphite jet vanes and aerodynamic flaps on the fins. The second stage (crew cabin) is 20-ft. long and 5.4 ft. in diameter at the base, and contains four JATO type rocket engines for second stage propulsion. These solid rockets can be fired at anytime during the flight, including a launch pad abort.

    And now, some links to current Canadian Aerospace home pages:

    If you find the story of the Arrow a bit depressing, do not despair!  The Canadian Aerospace industry is still around and has very much recovered from the dark days of the late 1950s.  As Jim Floyd said at the 40th anniversary of the first flight of Avro Arrow 201, we should be proud of the people who are working in the Canadian Aerospace industry today, and we should tell them that we appreciate what they are doing for Canada.  "Hear, hear!"


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    Last Update: April 15, 2010.
