Beach Assault Battle Report

In this scenario, a group of adventurers have been hired by the locals to stop a boat loaded with stolen livestock and slaves
taken by Ibixian raiders, who have been ransacking the area and sending tribute to their Minotaur masters back on Tarmin Island

Sean took the Adventurers against the Ibixians who were controlled by Chris

Each side had 1,000 points to spend.

Chris used up all his points on 6 Ibixians and 3 skeleton wolves, giving him no spell casters or bowmen,
but did get the advantage of the barriers erected along the beach front.

Sean took Leela the spell caster, the enormous Gulgar, the half orc archer, kenku sneak, and Lord Farquad in his attempt to stop the boat

The livestock started in a line near the ramp, taking 6 turns to get them all into the boat
The slave started tied to the far tent, where it would take 7 turns to get her into the boat

In all, we decided it would take 8 turns for the Ibixians to get all the tribute into the boat and be able to set off for Tarmin Island
and manage to get away from the Adventurers

The Adventurers had to at least get one of them to the ramp, before it could close and allow the boat to get away

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