- 2002.10.25
- Added 41 Names [#352 to #392]
- Added dates etc... to VIEL and DOYON
- 2002.10.26
- 2002.10.27
- Added 32 Names [#401 to #432]
- Changed the "Welcome Page" links to a numbered list.
- Included details on how to navigate the database in the file
displayed from the link #1 "What The Site Is All About"
- 2002.11.01
- Added 50 Names [#433 to #482]
- Added Information Sources Pointers To Welcome Page
- Added Some Information Sources Notes
- 2002.11.02
- Added More Information Sources Notes
- 2002.11.04
- N O T I C E
- There will be NO UPDATES for the next MONTH.
- I have had comments from some that
navigating through the family tree database
is cumbersome and not easily understood.
- Bearing this in mind, I am reworking the data presentation
and am implementing a simpler
and more intuitive presentation format.
- To do this, I effectively have to start over from the beginning.
- Very little of my current data is compatible
with the newer easy-to-understand format.
- Since there are now over 475 names in the database,
I estimate that re-doing the presentation
will take about one month
as I must massage each piece of data and re-test the links
between the pieces of the newer format.
- I hope you will all find the new format easier to follow and to
- In the meantime, keep sending me corrections and
`I will encorporate these
as I proceed with my reworking efforts.
- Thanks for your patience :-)
- 2002.11.16[02:50]
- AT LAST ! ! ! - - - New Format Implemented !
- There are, no doubt, many transcription and typing errors.
- Please let me know the errors you spot
and have patience with my typing :-)
- I promise to make the corrections as soon as I can.
- The new "How To Navigate My
Files" information
is now a separate section and is
directly accessible from the "Welcome" page:
- This section describes the new format
in considerable detail.
- This caused the "Welcome" page links to be
- Number Of Names Increases By 57 [from #482 to #539] :
- 2002.11.18[05:40]
- Number of linked names increased by 22 from #539 to #561.
- Thank you Romney for your valuable
Please let me know where my errors are so I can correct them :-)
- Started a cleanup of unnecessary links in the information pages.
I am eliminating the link status for the wives and husbands
if there is no more data on them
other than that displayed directly on the page.
Linking to the general information area was yielding
no further information and was a waste of time.
Now you'll know immediately that what you see is all there is since,
for these cases, the name is no longer displayed as a link
but just as simple text information :-)
- 2002.11.21[11:30]
- Number of linked names increased by 14 from #561 to #575.
- Thank you Hélène :-)
- 2002.11.22[01:45]
- 2002.11.25[02:00]
- Number of linked names increased by 46 from #600 to #646
- 2002.12.01[14:55]
- We regret to announce the death of Rachel
yesterday evening in Ottawa.
She will be missed by
her children Claire, Eric, Denise, and
their current and ex- spouses John,
Margaret, Kayode, and
her grandchildren Joanne, Paul, Michéle,
Erin, Yves,
Pascale, Tokumbo,
Bisi, Toyin,
Peter-Patrick and Suzi,
their current and ex- spouses Robert,
Dina, Donald,
Jason, Robertson,
and her great-grand children Matisse,
Maya, Bianca,
Justin, Nicholas,
Ryker, Mica,
Juwon, and Jada, as well
as many neices and nephews.
- May she find the peace and beauty for which we all yearn and
may she greet each of her family when they in turn follow her
in their own journeys through eternity.
- 2002.12.02[11:40]
- Corrected some dates and spelling errors
- 2002.12.06[16:40]
- Added Visits Counter To Main Page
- Added Guest Book To Welcome Page
- 2002.12.09[15:40]
- Number of linked names increased by 09 from #646 to #655.
- 2002.12.10[00:40]
- Number of linked names increased by 04 from #655 to #659
- 2002.12.27[11:20]
- Number of linked names increased by 08 from #659 to #667
- 2002.12.30[22:55]
- The list of names in Alphabetic Order [Names In Family Name Order]
is now easier to read as I have listed the Family Names first
so they tend to line up :-)
- All the "extra" information about individuals [when it
will now be kept on separate "NOTE" pages
instead of all jumbled together in the file
"Names In Reverse Numerical Order".
- Please have patience 'till I complete
transferring existing information
to this new easier-to-read format.
- Discovered a connection to the RIVARD Family :-)
- Anyone out there who is interested in the RIVARD's,
let me know and I'll try to research
that part of our family tree :-)
- Number of linked names increased by 19 from #667 to #686
- 2002.12.31[00:00]
- Number of linked names increased by 02 from #686 to #688
- Top numbered Page increased by 02 from #578 to #580
- 2003.01.01[00:00]
- Happy New Year [2003] :)
- Number of linked names increased by 17 from #688 to #705
- Top numbered Page increased by 13 from #580 to #593
- 2003.01.02[14:00]
- Number of linked names increased by 02 from #705 to #707
- Top numbered Page increased by 02 from #593 to #595
- 2003.01.15[00:00]
- Number of linked names increased by 25 from #707 to #732
- Top numbered Page increased by 14 from #595 to #609
- 2003.01.20[00:00]
- Number of linked names increased by 06 from #732 to #738
- Top numbered Page increased by 04 from #609 to #613
- 2003.01.21[11:40]
- Reassign Olivier Montreuil to his father's second marriage
- 2003.02.02[00:00]
- Number of linked names increased by 11 from #738 to #749
- Top numbered Page increased by 06 from #613 to #619
- Birth Dates And Other Corrections
- 2003.02.14[17:00]
- Number of linked names increased by 00 from #749 to #749
- Top numbered Page increased by 00 from #619 to #619
- Birth Dates And Other Corrections
- 2003.05.04[08:50] - EDT
- Number of linked names increased by 00 from #749 to #749
- Top numbered Page increased by 00 from #619 to #619
- Birth Dates And Other Corrections/Additions
- 2003.05.05[01:05] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 06 from #749 to #755
- Top numbered Page increased by 03 from #619 to #622
- Birth Dates And Other Corrections/Additions
- 2003.05.09[21:05] - EDT
- Number of linked names increased by 12 from #755 to #767
- Top numbered Page increased by 08 from #622 to #630
- Merci Thierry PINART :-)
- 2003.05.24[21:30] - EDT
- Number of linked names increased by 09 from #767 to #776
- Top numbered Page increased by 08 from #630 to #638
- Thank you Dorothy GOFFIN :-)
- 2003.07.23[09:25] - EDT
- Number of linked names increased by 12 from #776 to #788
- Top numbered Page increased by 10 from #638 to #648
- Reference #126 Added
- 2003.07.25[10:00] - EDT
- Number of linked names increased by 12 from #788 to #800
- Top numbered Page increased by 08 from #648 to #656
- 2003.08.07[21:15] - EDT
- Number of linked names increased by 40 from #800 to #840
- Top numbered Page increased by 30 from #656 to #686
- 2003.08.17[14:20] - EDT
- Number of linked names increased by 10 from #840 to #850
- Top numbered Page increased by 07 from #686 to #693
- Reference R116 Notes #116 Added
- 2003.08.19[21:55] - EDT
- Number of linked names increased by 09 from #850 to #859
- Top numbered Page increased by 06 from #693 to #699
- Lowest numbered Page decreased by 02 from #100 to #098
- 2003.09.06[21:30] - EDT
- Number of linked names increased by 50 from #859 to #909
- Top numbered Page increased by 00 from #699 to #699
- Lowest numbered Page decreased by 38 from #098 to #060
- 2003.10.23[00:10] - EDT
- Number of linked names increased by 03 from #909 to #912
- Top numbered Page increased by 00 from #699 to #699
- Lowest numbered Page decreased by 02 from #060 to #058
- Additional Visitor Counter [ipstat.com] Added To Web Portal Page
- 2003.11.04[02:55] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 10 from #912 to #922
- Top numbered Page increased by 00 from #699 to #699
- Lowest numbered Page decreased by 05 from #058 to #053
- Reference R130 Added
- Miscellaneous corrections
- 2003.11.07[06:20] - GMT
- Miscellaneous corrections
- 2003.11.10[13:40] - GMT
- Miscellaneous corrections
- Initial set of Private Pages
- 2003.11.10[21:15] - GMT
- Miscellaneous corrections
- 2003.11.11[02:15] - GMT
- Miscellaneous corrections
- 2003.11.12[04:30] - GMT
- Miscellaneous corrections
- 2003.11.18[16:45] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 04 from #922 to #926
- Miscellaneous corrections
- 2003.12.29[17:00] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 11 from #926 to #937
- Miscellaneous corrections
- 2003.12.31[18:40] - GMT
- Miscellaneous corrections
- 2004.01.05[08:00] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 32 from #937 to #969
- Miscellaneous corrections
- 2004.01.06[19:45] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 42 from #969 to #1011
- Miscellaneous corrections
- 2004.01.30[15:00] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 31 from #1011 to #1042
- Miscellaneous corrections
- 2004.02.26[15:35] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 02 from #1042 to #1044
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2004.03.27[16:00] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 11 from #1044 to #1055
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2004.04.02[04:50] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 00 from #1055 to #1055
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- Start using frames
- 2004.04.04[06:10] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 03 from #1055 to #1058
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2004.04.04[19:55] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 00 from #1058 to #1058
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- Add ability to view in frames or without frames.
- 2004.04.25[04:30] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 23 from #1058 to #1081
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2004.04.26[05:30] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 09 from #1081 to #1090
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2004.09.01[04:00] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 07 from #1090 to #1097
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2004.09.09[20:35] - GMT
- Number of names increased by 00 from #1097 to #1097
- Miscellaneous corrections
- We regret to announce the death of
210x254,, Nora McKENNA
last Tuesday after a short bout of liver cancer.
Her three daughters, Mary Frances, Patricia and Joanne,
were with her.
- 2005.08.14[20:35] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 03 from #1097 to #1100
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2006.07.29[04:20] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 21 from #1100 to #1122
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- Welcome to Frank and Christene's second child,
1122/0785,, Richard Philippe, born 24/Jan/2006
- 2006.07.29[17:45] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 01 from #1122 to #1123
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- Welcome to Thierry and Maryline's child,
1123/0786,, Eléonore, born 22/Jan/2004 !!
- 2006.07.31[18:40] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 00 from #1123 to #1123
- Miscellaneous corrections
- 2006.08.12[11:20] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 08 from #1123 to #1131
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.02.24[00:35] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 01 from #1131 to #1132
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.02.26[04:35] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 01 from #1132 to #1133
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.02.26[22:55] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 01 from #1133 to #1134
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.03.02[17:55] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 01 from #1134 to #1135
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.03.03[19:30] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 06 from #1135 to #1141
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.03.04[17:30] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 06 from #1141 to #1146
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.03.05[17:30] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 02 from #1146 to #1148
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.03.06[18:30] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 04 from #1148 to #1152
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.03.09[16:55] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 01 from #1152 to #1153
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.03.10[02:55] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 01 from #1153 to #1154
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.03.11[03:55] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 04 from #1154 to #1158
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.03.11[16:55] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 01 from #1158 to #1159
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.03.11[18:55] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 01 from #1156 to #1160
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.03.13[16:55] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 03 from #1160 to #1163
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.03.17[16:30] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 01 from #1163 to #1164
- Added pictures "p10" and "p11"
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.03.18[02:00] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 01 from #1164 to #1165
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.03.24[18:00] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 06 from #1165 to #1171
- Added picture "p12"
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.03.29[02:30] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 00 from #1171 to #1171
- Miscellaneous corrections
- 2007.04.11[22:30] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 00 from #1171 to #1171
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- It is with sorrow that we announce the death, in Quebec City,
of 091/121,, Paul MONTREUILtoday 11/Apr/2007
- May he find the peace and beauty for which we all yearn and
may he greet each of his family when they in turn follow him
in their own journeys through eternity.
- 2007.04.13[15:30] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 02 from #1171 to #1173
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.04.19[16:30] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 08 from #1173 to #1181
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.04.24[22:30] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 02 from #1181 to #1183
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.04.27[23:59] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 01 from #1183 to #1184
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.05.12[18:00] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 00 from #1184 to #1184
- Miscellaneous corrections
- 2007.05.15[02:00] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 12 from #1184 to #1196
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.05.15[22:00] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 07 from #1196 to #1203
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.05.22[22:00] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 24 from #1203 to #1227
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.05.25[22:00] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 01 from #1227 to #1228
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.05.27[20:00] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 02 from #1228 to #1230
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.05.31[17:00] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 06 from #1230 to #1236
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.06.04[17:10] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 19 from #1236 to #1255
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.06.05[05:10] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 05 from #1255 to #1260
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.06.07[16:10] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 02 from #1260 to #1262
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.06.14[16:10] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 06 from #1262 to #1268
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.06.19[18:20] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 07 from #1268 to #1275
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions
- 2007.06.24[19:20] - GMT
- Number of linked names increased by 00 from #1275 to #1275
- Miscellaneous corrections and additions