October 29, 1985

Sally at her sewing was distracted by Catlin who remarked upon the inadvisability of trying to make love to a woman with a needle. She very obligingly put the sewing away in order to demonstrate how she wanted to spend her week off. Cass came a-gknocking [sic] at the cabin door to ask a favour. The Ewings were less than delighted.

Mrs Tillis advised Britt to share her grief with Josh. Britt called Catlin and informed him she had good news.

Nancy is not being as cooperative as she might. She told Carl he wouldn't get the keys until she was sure Chris was alive.

Daphne and Fayez fear Chris is dead.

Nancy stood firm. Carl agreed to take her to Chris. She informed him she had armed allies who would storm the villa if she failed to emerge in 10 minutes. He told her time was of the essence. He said he wanted the third key.

Britt told Catlin Evan was alive because the coroner had said the footprints didn't match [the logic is unsound … even if she were speaking the truth Evan could merely be being a dead baby elsewhere]. He told her he wanted to see her when she returned.

Catlin didn't tell Sally who had called. He gave Cass permission to deliver his pitch and while Cass and Sally argued about the need for Sally to be at a Lesoleil party in Chicago he stood glazed-like. Unable to make any headway Sally appealed to Catlin to decide.

Mrs Tillis berated Brittany for what she was doing to Josh. Britt said she couldn't tell him until he realised how he felt. She was able to tell he still loved her by his voice on the telephone and his desire to see her. Mrs Tillis told her she was fooling herself. Britt said he'd never stopped loving her. Mrs Tillis told her it was over and time to let another man in. Appropriately Peter knocked. Mrs Tillis was wildly thrilled. He told Britt he was worried about her.

When Nancy saw Chris all pale and sickly on his cot she fell on his neck and got upset with Carl. She's not terribly thrilled with Daphne and Fayez either. Nancy insisted they take Chris to the hospital. The ring and the pendant were taken from her. She denied the existence of a third key briefly but on having her hair pulled amended it to the statement that there was a third key but he wouldn't get it until Chris was hospitalized [I suppose she means strippedtothewaist].

Catlin graciously gave Cass the loan of his wife because of owing Felicia and got rid of him. Sally confided in Catlin her worries about missing Kevin's childhood. Catlin assured her he understood.

Brittany refused Peter's offer of help and told him to go home. She kissed him in gratitude when he was at last persuaded to let her wait for the coroner alone. He told her he cared about her and asked what she'd do if the news were bad. She said she had an idea. He said he hoped it was to come running to him. The man has fallen.

Carl has called an ambulance to keep Nancy happy. He had Fayez and Daphne locked in their rooms for safekeeping. Nancy said she was going with Chris. He told her to meet him in the coffee shop with the third key in order to preserve Chris' life.

Peter fled promising aid in any circumstance. He feels they have grown closer. Mrs Tillis advised Britt not to push him away. Britt said she wouldn't because he was going to help her to get exactly what she wanted.

Cass attacked Kathleen in Smiley's inviting her to the Chicago bash with him.

Catlin secretly called Larry with the good news. He doesn't know what to do so they'll talk. When Sally appeared suggesting he come to bed he said a large number of sincere-sounding things about how much he needed her and wanted to be with her. She was mildly perplexed but pleased nonetheless. They went to bed.

Chris is in a bad way. His future is not assured.

Cass admitted Lesoleil couldn't afford to spring for two hotel rooms. Things got a bit strange. She [Kathleen] hinted her social life was not a big thrill. He said he hadn't had much of a personal life since Michaud left. He explained they were both busy and they needed time. She refused the invitation and left. Cass was unthrilled.

Mrs Tillis advised Britt to go for the rich Peter. Britt said she wouldn't give up the man she loved for security. Mrs Tillis said he belonged to someone else now. Britt said Catlin would HELP HER GET HER BABY BACK and therefore be hers again.

Carl found Nancy and Hawk in Chris' room and warned them if they didn't turn over the third key he would have boughten doctors assist Christopher into the next world. Nancy said she'd write to the American Embassy. He demanded the key on the grounds that it would make them all happy. The 3 interlocking horned rings changed hands. Carl bade them adieu. Nancy begged Chris to survive and come home with her. He came around and said he had to get to the tomb. He's weak. She told him not to worry.

Catlin escaped from bed to brood in another room. Sally came to fetch him and offered to renege on their promise to Cass for her to go to Chicago but Catlin said they couldn't let Felicia down and assured her they were madly in love and this wouldn't come between them. She was cheered.

Brittany fantasized the following wildly improbable scene to the accompaniment of the inevitable “You Were Always On My Mind”. Brit: Catlin I love you so much. Catlin: Brittany we belong together. You, me, and our family. Kissing. Brittany: yeah, our family. But what if we don't find Evan? Catlin: don't you talk like that, we're going to find him. Kissing. Britt: baby we've got to be realistic what if we don't? Rustling and kissing. Can you stand another child? Catlin: a little boy? Just like Evan? Britt: yeah. I don't care what it is as long as it's ours. Catlin: yeah. Britt: you know what would make me really happy would be your baby. Just give me your baby. [Now that was a worse line then let's make love. OH, BRITTANY.] Catlin: if that's what you want that's what I want too. Britt: oh, Catlin. Kissing. Catlin: I just wish I could give you more. Kissing. Kissing. Kissing. Kissing. [will this never end?] Britt coming out of her reverie assured him he would give her more. “Once I have your child you're going to come running back to me.” [so where does Peter fit in? Is Catlin's child actually going to be Peter's child and Catlin merely an innocent bysleeper after the Blaine-and-Jamie tradition of get-the-man-drunk-and-pretend-to-have-seduced-him-when-he-wasn't-looking? Or is Peter to divert Sally? Ye gods.]

Chris dreamed about going to the tomb with Hawk. He woke up unwell and alone and struggled up to get there before Carl. He didn't get far before collapsing.




NB Chris is hospitalised in proper patient garb which means he's sick rather than chock full of SA. I wonder what's wrong with his chest?

If Brittany's bent on behaving like this there's no way Catlin can return to her because he prefers her to Sally. Liars and schemers don't find happiness. Unless it's with Peter.