November 29, 1985

Victoria is plotting to make Donna think it's her idea for the two of them to prevent Marley and Jake.

Marley is attempting to assemble the old new borrowed & blue while evading Jake's grasp. She found a blue camisole borrowed from Donna. He asked if she were sure about eloping.

Felicia stayed up all night writing about the men in her life.

Edouard bought a ring.

Carl landed in some water. Chris went after him. Nancy stood screaming on the bank.

Donna demanded to know where Marley was. Victoria kept saying she was sorry. She said she was in Arizona with Jake. Donna took moderate fits. Victoria told her they were getting serious.

Jake is afraid Marley will regret not having a big wedding. She convinced him that she wouldn't because of the compensation of winding up Mrs. Jake McKinnon. He told her he loved her. Marley: OH NO. Jake: what? Marley: I just realized something. Jake.: what's that? Marley: I don't have any idea how to elope. Jake: you're kidding. Marley: NO. So do you? Jake: 'course. It's a piece of cake. Marley: now Jake McKinnon don't you dare tell me you've tried this before. Jake: no, I haven't tried it before. I've just seen it at the movies. Marley: okay. okay, now in the movies — Jake: in the movies. Marley: they get a ladder and he climbs up to the window. So you just have to climb up to the window, grab me, and take me back out again. Jake: where are we going to get a ladder? Marley, I can't ELOPE. Marley: oh, honey, do. He's back to worrying about her choosing between her family and him. They decided to spend their honeymoon right there.

Chris and Carl struggled. Nancy hiccoughed hysterically. Carl went under.

Wallingford read about Zane and declared Felicia belonged with him. Felicia [much as she wants it to be Zane] disputed it because of Edouard's kisses. She's afraid it wouldn't be fair to Zane to make a commitment while still feeling a bit for Edouard. He took her on his knee [still figuratively] in earnest.

Mac talked to Rachel and assured her Chris and Nancy were fine. He's still looking for Carl's body. Amanda came to talk to daddy. She was weird and vaguely unfriendly. When Rachel asked if she could come and see her school project she said "no" and left. Rachel looked puzzled.

Chris looked for Carl without success. He sloshed out and embraced Nancy who figures Carl must be dead. Chris is upset because he lost control because of Carl. Nancy told him Carl was evil and it was right to want Carl dead.

Donna said she was going to take charge of the rescue operation. She didn't want Victoria to help but Victoria talked her round. They decided to enlist Dee's aid. DONNA HAS A PLAN.

Wallingford told Felicia her life was not a romance novel. She said she wanted to be able to give Zane her whole heart. He suggested that it was too big a heart for that and all she had to do was choose what she wanted. She laughed and said he was right and it was Zane. Edouard called to ask her out but she told him she had another engagement tonight. This is their anniversary. He said he'd keep a candle burning in the window just in case she was free later. She was distressed.

Nancy waxed sentimental. She and Chris are in love and on location. Let's go home.

Zane was not at home. Felicia rushed straight to the ring and imagined seeing Edouard in a window surrounded by candles saying he had waited for her. Zane appeared and asked her to marry him. She said yes and kissed him and said she was his forever. Edouard vanished and the candles went out. Zane came in and she hid the ring and ran to his arms. He's hungry so they decided to hold hands and cook Sumatran style. "It's a little awkward but it's a whole lot of fun." He promised a memorable evening.

Chris and Nancy began the trip back.

After arranging things with a real sweetheart of a justice of the peace [who we are told was still in his jammies] Marley and Jake bought her a dress and returned to the motel room where she refused to let him see the dress and he gave her a lovely little corsage tied with a blue ribbon. She said she'd save it for the rest of her life. The lack of a ring doesn't bother her. She said she thought she was marrying the most thoughtful kindest man in the whole entire world. She put him out so she could change. [That took some doing. Putting him out.]

Donna tried to get Dee to tell her where Marley was.

Zane and Felicia drank coffee. He put music on [Zane always has been a maniac dancer] to tango by. Zane: where did you learn to tango? Felicia: where did you? You're wonderful. Zane: Arthur Murray, actually. Felicia: you're KIDDING. Zane: no. I sent away for the record and a big sheet of paper with the footprints on it. Felicia: oh don't give me that Zane Lindquist I know EXACTLY where you learned. Zane: Oh yeah? Felicia: you were shipwrecked going around the Cape Horn. Washed up on the shores of — Zane: Tierra del Fuego. Felicia: the land of fire. Zane: YEAH. Kissing. Felicia: from there you made your way to ARGENTINA. Zane: YEAH. No small feat. Felicia: where you became a gaucho. Zane: roping toros on the pampas. Felicia: by chance was there a dance at the LOCAL hacienda? Zane: as opposed to the express hacienda? Felicia: there the owner's daughter saw you and said: "DANCE with me." Zane: OKAY. And that's not easy to say with a rose in your teeth. Felicia: you tangoed as though you were born to it. You became the toast of Buenos Aires cafe society. Zane: but I had to step on a lot of toes to do it. Felicia: yes. Hollywood called — Zane: collect. Felicia: but you turned them down. Zane: YEAH. Felicia: you went back to the hacienda where the owner's daughter had run off with another gaucho. Zane: tramp. Felicia: heartbroken, you turned in your black pumps for a fishing pole and trawled your way to Bay City. Zane: where I met an INCREDIBLE woman who was able to turn my fantasies into reality and my realities into fantasies. They kissed through her feathers. She grew impatient with what she thought was his stalling and told him she'd found the ring.

Dee wouldn't betray Marley's privacy. Donna took fits and called her a tramp and threatened to wring her neck. She clutched her chest and collapsed. Dee called an ambulance.

Chris thinks nature is the swellest. Life sustaining other life. Nancy says it's like a whole other world.

Zane explained he'd bought the ring for Brittany more than a year ago.

Marley got her hair put up and the dress on and let Jake in. He was overwhelmed. She let him pin on the corsage. He's glad they Waited. This is a honeymoon to look forward to. Kissing.

Donna was wheeled out [alive] looking like death. Dee said Marley would never forgive her if she didn't call.

Marley and Jake decided Marley McKinnon was a beautiful name. [Who am I to argue?] As they went out the door the phone rang.




Donna must have been shamming. Hysterics never hurt her before.