October 25, 1985

Edouard saw the paper and laughed.

Peter asked Donna when she'd taken up yellow journalism.

Nancy was put across the wall. Chris was apprehended. Guards were sent after Nancy and Hawk. He threatened Chris and told him Nancy would negotiate with him because she was sentimental about Chris. He said grief must have warped her judgment. Chris told him Nancy didn't know where the ring and pendant were. Carl summoned the guards and said ["Ve haf vays of making you talk". Chris was escorted out. Carl said to himself he'd always wanted to say that.

Donna told Peter she had nothing to do with it. He didn't believe her. Donna got Bridget to substantiate her claim that the reporter was a charitable worker. Bridget left. Peter said Bridget [who is now pronouncing scones correctly] needed a good character witness herself. He'd seen her talking with Jake. Donna: why didn't you tell me that? Peter: probably because I thought it would end up in The Midnight Surprise like everything else you know. Donna: Peter, don't be disgusting. Peter: well I'm damned late but there's something I want to settle first — this is going to stop. Now. Donna: I can't stop it I had nothing to do with it. Peter: when I get back — Donna: from your little liaison with Brittany Peterson. Peter: hehhehheh. You and I are going to have a very long talk. Donna: you know she's probably the kind of person that's an avid reader of this paper. Peter: I'm going to the office now. Donna: that is if she can READ. Exit Peter. She bellowed for Bridget.

Edouard is not nearly as upset by the article as Felicia is. He told her they shouldn't sue. She still intends to be revenged on the slime who caused it.

The coroner is away for a bit so Britts waiting with Mrs. Tillis. They've decided it's best for her to know one way or another about Evan so she can get her life back on track.

Felicia called Peter and scrambled up his insides with an electric mixer by commanding him to find the little snitch so she could strangle him. He tried to talk her out of it. She was not swayed.

Donna told Bridget she wasn't to see Jake. Bridget told her what a lovely boy Jake was and said her personal life was none of Donna's business. She demanded and got an apology and returned to her domain triumphant telling her not to be too hard on Jake.

The coroner was found. He took the birth certificate and left.

Lenore dropped by and promised Donna more money for more story. Donna told her that Lily Mason was a reformed prostitute. ["Can you imagine doing that for money?" "what do you get, DIAMONDS?"] Peter returned seething and promised Lenore the scoop on the murder of Donna Love.

Nancy is in agony determined to give Carl the pendant for Chris.

Peter threw Lenore out and yelled at Donna. She told him she was being paid. He told her not to talk to that woman again. He told her she'd blown it and left. She told herself Felicia couldn't find out.

Felicia told Edouard he was stronger now. He told her he wanted her more than ever and kissed her.

Fayez and Daphne are worried. Scared of Carl. They have to trust each other against him.

Britt's waiting. Mrs. Tillis is interested in Peter. She asked why Josh wasn't there. Britt said she'd made a couple of mistakes and they weren't speaking. She thinks everything will be all right when he sees they have to keep looking for Evan.

Marley asked Donna for Michael's last name so she could find him. Enter Jake hellbent on telling them both where to get off. Donna said she'd call the police. Marley told her not to be a jerk. He made a big speech about how he was not their equal [brought about by the things Victoria told him yesterday 1 supposes] but he'd show them he was 10 x better than all of the Loves PUT TOGETHER. [And Calvin Coolidge into the bargain.] Donna suggested he start the self improvement with his grammar and rambled on about Shaw. Marley was completely undone. Jake told her she [Marley] wasn't like her [Donna]. Exit Jake.

Wally is taking calls from people wanting to know about Edouard. There are a lot. Felicia's plotting to counteract the article. Wally made her take a load off. She has to think about Edouard and Zane. He thinks this thing has drawn her to Edouard. Flowers arrived. Felicia was thrilled that Edouard had done such a thing.

Daphne and Fayez plot together.

Chris has been drugged. In order not to tell Carl things he repeats the Pythagorean Theorem and the Gettysburg Address. He insisted there were only two keys. Carl advised him to start talking. When Chris said nothing of importance Carl commanded him pumped fuller of drug. The doctor didn't want to take responsibility in case he dies but Carl is not concerned with fatality.

Wally disliked the flowers. Felicia raved over them. When she opened the card they proved to be from Zane and Wally was delighted. The card apologized for the hateful letter and said he loved her.

Britt stared vacuously at Evans cross and sang "hush little baby don't say a word mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird and if that mockingbird don't sing mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring." There came a knock at the door. Mrs. Tillis let the coroner in. Britt sprang to her feet for the verdict.

Carl administered the drug himself. Chris motioned him to lean closer and when he did so spit on him. Carl stood up with great control and kicked the cot over and apologized to the doctor for being excessive.

Nancy called Carl on the phone.


