Donna asked John what Clara knew. He avoided her questions. She pressed him. He assured her nobody knew about their "little adventure". (That's it. Someone has got to pay.)
Vince set up a picnic for getting to know Mary by. Mary drifted in with a cold, feeling miserable. Vince gave them the day off.
Chad started knocking things over at the mention of MJ's name. (Not intentional violence, just the kind of incompetence you don't allow power tools around.) Lisa came up. Felicia suggested she write in her diary a little. Lisa protested. Enter Tony. Felicia asked Lisa to watch her show today. Lisa agreed. Tony is to be on it. Felicia went to prepare. Lisa asked Tony questions about his writing. She said she just wanted to forget what happened and she didn't think it helped to rehash it. He disagreed.
Mary said she was busy with MJ. Vince said this wedding was taking more planning than the Normandy invasion and she could take time off. Mary said the man from Support would be calling about her application. Ada said she could take a message. Mary coughed and sneezed elaborately. Vince became high-handed. Mary said she had too much to do. Vince said there were chocolate éclairs in the basket. Mary gave in.
John said Clara loved Michael better than him. He reminded Donna of the time he'd brought a motorcycle over to show Michael but he wasn't there so Donna had gone with him for a joyride, barefoot. He asked if that wasn't what she really wanted. Donna said she was happy making sure Michael had hot coffee and fresh flowers. John was offensive. Donna told him she liked him as Michael's brother. John was offensive. Michael and Clara found Peter lurking. Clara was introduced. Peter welcomed her graciously. Clara insisted on staying downstairs with John. He suggested a walk and went outside to wait. Donna made Peter leave Michael and Clara alone. Michael forbade Clara to baby John.
Vince and Mary went to the gazebo (on Love property? How odd.) Vince said they used to go canoeing and there was a pond and a canoe here but she probably wouldn't want to canoe now, being older and more sedentary. Mary took up the dare.
Lisa wrote in her diary. She asked herself why Gollum had made her remember. The show came on. "Next -- victims of violent crime, on Breakfast With Felicia." (Sounds really upbeat.) Chad left. Peggy burst in and called a halt. She said Gollum wouldn't get a fair trial. Felicia explained she wanted to help Lisa and Peggy agreed to let her go ahead when she promised not to mention Gollum's name very much. The show went on as scheduled. Felicia's other guest is Marlena McDonald, in charge of a support group and a victim herself. (This is a joke. Victims of violent crime and here's Donna and 'her little adventure.')
Sara served Joe. Ada reminded her to come to MJ's shower. Joe went to make a phone call. Chad appeared. Sara attacked him and reminded him that MJ was marrying Adam in a week.
Vince and Mary fell in. They argued violently for a while before calming down. He kept trying to blame everything on her feminist tendencies (wanting to think for herself and wanting to sit in the front of the canoe). She asked him very seriously if he wanted her or the memory.
Clara protested but Michael said John needed to do things for himself. Clara said something bizarre about almost ruining her son's life with tough love.
Felicia made a speech about relying on one's loved ones. Tony talked about Nancy. Lisa thought of Jamie.
Sara advised Chad to stay away from MJ's wedding with someone who admitted to being in love with him. (Subtle.) Chad was rendered baff. After a minute he suggested that she might be too good for him. She said she wasn't. Joe on the phone said that they could give MJ the tape for a shower gift and Chad would get blamed.
Clara told Michael that John had stayed away because of her. She refused to elaborate. She's going to be easy on him now. John stuck his had in and complained about the wait.
Vince assured Mary he was enjoying the present. She asked him why she'd been so unhappy eighteen years ago, to have an affair. Vince said he hadn't wanted her to work. He said she had read books and dreamed of travelling and he grew to resent it because he couldn't follow her. That Old Carrot could, he supposes. Vince admitted he'd learned how to cook and read a few books since she left. Mary said he must have changed. He said they should go home.
Michael hustled Clara up to bed. Peter let Peggy in and bitched about the "Hudson family ghetto" and made nasty remarks about the smell of the barn. John overheard and warned him never to say anything like that again.
Felicia's show made Lisa realise that she was hurting Jamie by refusing to talk to him. Felicia took a call from Mitch. Lisa phoned Jamie's service to have him paged.
John made his point plain. Michael and Donna reappeared. Peter suggested he and Peggy leave. Peggy was relieved. John didn't tell Michael what had happened. Michael said Clara had a really positive outlook, as if her believing that John was alive had resurrected him. He advised John to abandon all his negativity.
Someone has kidnapped a painting and sent Mitch the ransom note so he can't leave. Felicia fretted. Wally suggested she fly out. Lisa told Jamie she'd like to talk to him. Felicia felt herself free to go.