Mitch brooded about Sam's chances. Felicia was reassuring.
Sam refused to show Rachel his private personal paintings. Rachel told him if he didn't, the job wasn't for him.
Vince told Mary he wanted her to move out.
Michael and John came in and ribbed Victoria about her wearing a coat in this heat. Michael announced that they had to resolve some problems. Everyone is there but Clara. Michael proposed an end to all deceit.
Vince said when Becky was due at the library, I mean returned to her father, Mary had to go. Mary told him she didn't like that. They argued. Mary told him she couldn't live with him because he obviously hadn't forgiven her for ancient history. Mary fled. Something broke.
Sam didn't want to take Rachel to his paintings because they're chez Mitch, you see. They reached a compromise. Sam left. Mac and Amanda came home. Mac has given Amanda her little job. Rachel was horrified. Amanda has agreed to pretend to postpone her decision on college in exchange for an entry-level position. Rachel doesn't think she knows how bored she'll be. (Simple minds are easily amused. I'm sure Amanda's fit for moron work.) She has to learn typing and shorthand. (This was a surprise to her.) Rachel pointed out that the Cory name got her the entry-level.
Cheryl pestered Vince about his marrying Mary. She was surprised to hear Mary had turned him down. Vince assured her Mary loved her. Cheryl comforted him.
Felicia saw Mary come in looking distressed and rushed to her aid. Mitch left them alone. Mary poured out her woes. Vince assumed too much. She's upset that he proposed publicly. She says he loves her only when she's biddable.
Michael asked if they could be a family again.
Amanda said she didn't want to go away to college. She wants to be with her family. Rachel asked how she would get around without the Cory name. Amanda said she would have an alias, and she'd be working among people so low they would never have seen Mac. Mac approved. Rachel did not. She left to meet Sam, not moved an inch.
Mary said Vince had been rude and nasty. Felicia tried to convince her Vince wasn't so bad. She offered her apartment and said they had to find her a job. She kept on with his good points. Cheryl came in and yelled at Mary for blaming Vince.
Michael canvassed for support. John unenthusiastically counted himself in. Michael made that one. Peter expressed his willingness to do anything to make Donna happy. Michael made that one and a half. John headed for the beach house. Bridget gave her support. The crowd dispersed. Victoria and Donna seemed to get along better than yesterday. I suspect Peter got up to something dastardly. Michael intends to make Victoria feel loved, but he refused to let her out of work. Victoria is renouncing the Love name in favour of Hudson. Donna wept.
Sam met Rachel with his slides. Tense silence. Rachel looked them over. She told Sam he was too headstrong. He asked her to say if he had the job.
Cheryl blamed Mary. Mary tried to reason with her. She said love was not the total reason for marriage. Mary told her to grow up and be less selfish. Cheryl called her mean. She said she was loyal to Pops because he had been her only parent for a long time. She stormed out. Mary was frustrated. She took her leave of Felicia. Felicia came across Mitch on the terrace. They discussed their relationship in the obliquest of terms. The present is cool. The future is unforeseeable, so don't waste time worrying.
Mac told Amanda he'd square things with Rachel. She's Daddy's Girl, all right. Mac told her Rachel regretted not having the opportunity to go to college. Amanda asked him to get Mom off the college thing. No can do. It's up to her. Rachel phoned to tell Mac they should hire Sam.
Peter found Michael alone. Michael told him he couldn't be certain he had Donna's best interests at heart. Peter said he did. Michael welcomed him into the fold. Exit Peter. Enter Donna, asking after John. She felt Michael out about honesty and suggested he let John keep his secret. Michael won't have that. Victoria asked Bridget what had happened to her car keys. Bridget directed her to the desk in the hall, where I suppose Peter hid the photos in a dastardly fashion.