Donna and Michael quarrelled. Michael wondered why she was so vehement about not wanting John to live in the house.
Nicole told That Old Carrot to stay out of her life. He pled. She was firm.
Amanda hid so Cheryl wouldn't see her. Cheryl caught a glimpse all the same ("You haven't got a blimpse," Bobby jeered. "A blimpse is a big, big balloon.") John told Victoria he had no time for spoiled little girls. She told him she would do anything to protect Michael. He advised her to talk to her mother. She dragged Tony onto the dance floor. Peter ordered a drink from John. He admired his beach house work and offered him a job.
Cass intervened on Nicole's behalf. Nicole told That Old Carrot she would never love him. He said he loved her and left. Cass and Nicole think he's very good at pretending to be sincere.
Michael asked Donna what had happened. Donna told him John was hard to deal with. Clara appeared and said she thought John was better off living alone. Michael was surprised. He asked if she and Donna were keeping something from him. Clara advised him to pay more attention to Donna. She told them to run along.
Adam made faces at his coffee. Jamie stopped in to visit. He suggested that he and Lisa double-date with Adam and a beautiful nurse in radiology. Adam said he could get his own dates if he wanted. Lisa arrived.
Amanda ran to the ladies' room. Peter asked John to fix up a houseboat for him. John turned him down. Peter told him he could live on the boat. John was suspicious. Peter protested he wasn't as bad as Michael said. John wavered. That Old Carrot took Peter aside and complained about Cass. Peter said he had set a new Victoria plan in motion. Victoria dragged Tony off to a more exciting place. Michael and Donna arrived. Sam talked to Cheryl about modelling. He told her she was beautiful. She spilled a glass of wine and headed for the ladies' room. She bumped into Cass and gave him a picture of Kathleen at Marley's engagement picnic. Cass said he remembered Marley had been engaged to Ben. Cheryl corrected him. Cass said he was confused. Cheryl went on her way. Cass looked after her evilly. Amanda got on the phone and begged Julie Ann to bring her a disguise. She can't leave in case she's recognised. She hid when Cheryl came in but Cheryl saw her when she tried to sneak out. Amanda told Cheryl she was nearsighted and hadn't seen her. She said she didn't know Sam. Cheryl offered to introduce her. Amanda said she didn't want to intrude and refused to budge. Cheryl left, saying Sam was cute.
Lisa begged Adam to come with them. They feel he's working too hard. Adam said he appreciated it but he was okay. They heard a dreadful screeching on the hall as a policeman brought Victoria in.
Michael and Donna and Nicole and Cass chatted. Donna confessed to pitying That Old Carrot. Everyone else said he had turned his family against him and it was his own fault. They were astonished to see John tending bar. Michael demanded to know why he'd left. John told him to back off. Michael said he didn't understand him. John returned Wally's keys. Michael introduced him to Nicole. John walked away without saying anything. Julie Ann went to the ladies' room, trying to conceal a huge hatbox.
Amanda told Julie Ann that only Cheryl would describe a guy like Sam as cute. Julie Ann accused her of being jealous. Amanda draped herself in Julie Ann's scarf and hat and glasses. She took a deep breath and went out.
Sam told Cheryl to call him if she wanted to do the ad. Julie Ann kept them away from the elevator long enough for Amanda to get away.
Victoria was arrested for dangerous driving. She was speeding because she felt like it. She resents having been arrested. Adam warned her to behave. She promised (rather mockingly) she'd never break any more laws. Adam let her go. Jamie went after her. He asked what the problem was. He said they were friends. She complained about Donna. He advised her to keep trying to talk to her. She said the lies were intolerable. Lisa put her head out of Adam's office when she fled.
John got Peter's boat key from Bridget. He asked her not to tell anyone. Clara found him in the hall and disapproved of houseboat living. She was glad to hear he wasn't leaving town. She said he deserved to be happy. She said she loved him. He said he loved her and left.
Jamie and Lisa came up to Tops. Jamie was pleased to see Nicole. They let slip that they'd seen Victoria and where and why. Michael leaped up to see about this, taking Donna with him. Jamie and Lisa dined. They discussed mothers. His mind was on Victoria. Cass tried to keep Nicole from going to bed. She noticed him feeling bad about Kathleen and decided she would stay.
Victoria got home. Clara told her that John was going to live on a houseboat and went to bed. With Peter's help, Victoria decided that it sounded like a trysting-place. Michael and Donna arrived. Michael had Peter leave so he could talk to Victoria. He asked about the speeding. He ordered her to stop being cryptic.