Cass went to Kathleen's hotel room demanding to know what she was up to.
Marley had a nightmare about Perry's death.
Perry's funeral is today. Jake told Victoria the plan was no more and she was leaving today.
Nancy talked to Ada about how much she and Perry had been in love. She said she knew they would've been married one day. Extolling his virtues. STORY OF CARL'S INJURY: there was a riot at the prison and Carl had tried to keep the warden from being kidnapped. Carl wasn't all that bad she said. Witness wonderful son Perry. Nancy's crying. She loves her mother. OH MOM. WHY DID HE HAVE TO GO INTO THAT HAYLOFT? WHY WAS HE THERE?
Tom read in the paper of Perry's death. It came as a shock. He made front-page photo, natch.
Marley thanked Jake for his help. She hasn't been sleeping well. Jake's kind. Peter and Donna appeared ready to go the funeral. The Loves left. Bridget told Jake they had to talk.
Tom took offense that no one had told her. Quinn and Carter tried to calm her down. Carter told her Perry hadn't suffered. [Hysterics in the common room] Tom can't go to the funeral. She's crying a lot.
Cass and Kathleen quarreled. He claimed that he would get the job no contest. She seemed to resign herself. She wished him luck. She told him his tie was crooked. He asked for a mirror. She directed him to the bedroom. He went in; she locked him in and fled. Cass hammering on the door.
Mac comforted Nancy. She'll never forget Perry. Ada says Perry had a sense of humor, was kind, smart, very handsome, and loved Nancy. Nancy cried more.
Jake told Bridget about Victoria. She's worried about Marley. THE BEST LAID PLANS OF MICE AND MEN GANG AFT AGLEY. Jake said he was sending Victoria home tonight.
THE FUNERAL. Sudden sinister music. [Heralding Carl's arrival.]
Kathleen rushed to see Miss Grimaldi with a lot of ideas.
Carter didn't go to the funeral in order to be with Tom. She loves him. CONFINED TO BED she started getting cabin fever. They loved Perry.
FURTHER FUNERAL. Perry was a paragon of virtue, I've discovered.
Carl and Nancy talked about Perry. She offered to give him back his mother's ring. He wants her to keep it.
Donna's seething over Carl's presence. DOESN'T HE HAVE TO FINISH HIS SENTENCE? She whispered.
Mac went to save Nancy from Carl's company. He told Carl Perry had been a fine man. Carl agreed. I guess he left. Rachel asked who Carl was. Mac told her Perry's father. They left. Carl said "Please take me to my son. "
Miss Grimaldi is impressed with Kathleen. CASS ARRIVED. Daphne I'm terribly sorry.
Nancy told Peter Felicia was out-of-town and unreachable. She will be unhappy not to attend the funeral. Nancy and Marley supported each other.
Ada and Quinn talked about Perry. Quinn brought her up to date on Tom and Carter's life.
Mac was nice to Marley. Quinn was too.
Donna talked with Mac. She thanked him for his advice over dinner. I think Rachel overheard. He went to check on the children. "WHEN WERE YOU AT DINNER WITH MY HUSBAND" she asked Donna. Donna apologized for her behavior in the beauty parlor. She told Rachel her dinner with Mac was not what she thought. She said she hoped she and Mac would work their lives out. She just wants what's best and she's not up to arguing with Rachel what with the death etc. WHAT'S BEST FOR DONNA LOVE said Rachel.
Nancy's crying. Ada was nice to her. Time is the great healer.
Fancy meeting you here said Cass to Kathleen. Daphne asked why he was late. Cass said he didn't believe in making excuses. He asked forgiveness. Daphne forgave him. Kathleen left for an appointment. Daphne told Cass she couldn't make a decision now. New information has entered the picture. Tomorrow afternoon.
Kathleen WANTS THIS JOB. There's a man fixing the door Cass presumably broke down. He finished. She tipped him extravagantly. It was worth every penny she said. He left. Enter Cass. Cass: I HOPE YOU'RE SATISFIED. Kathleen: very. Cass: I also hope you realized that if you were man I'd KNOCK YOUR BLOCK OFF. Kathleen: you didn't get it, did you? He insists he will. She insists she will. He's arrogant as ever. Cass: why you want this job, really? Kathleen: because it's there. He promised to fight dirty.
Daphne on the phone saying she put Cass Winthrop off and she may have found someone more suitable for their purpose. [This can't be just Lesoleil. Not that sinister tone of voice.]
Marley told Tom about the funeral. Tom sent Nancy her love. Marley's been tired. She left the room. She began to feel strange. The doctor got her a wheelchair. He wants to examine her. She doesn't want. Donna does. Two to one. They win.
Jake told Victoria the funeral was sad. He told her he'd take her to the bus station in Ogden. She said she wasn't going and the plan was still on and she wasn't giving up. IN A VERY LOUD VOICE.
As mayor of the Munchkin city in the county of the land of Oz I welcome you most regally but we've got to verify it legally to see [to see] if she [if she] is morally ethically spiritually physically positively absolutely undeniably and reliably dead.