October 21, 1985

Donna's reporter is making a nuisance of herself at the mansion.

Marley told Jake her passport had been stolen. He demanded the real reason. She confessed 'twas on his account. One assumes he kissed her.

Chris told Carl he could see Fayez and a blonde who could be Nancy.

Donna tried to get rid of the reporter who incessantly cries out for martinis but she [the reporter]'s done some digging and knows the Love finances are not what they might be. She wants to know all about Felicia.

Jake tried to convince Marley they might as well surrender to their mutual love. She sounded convinced.

Chris told Carl he was sick and obsessed with the Corys. He demanded tangible proof that Nancy was indeed the blonde. Carl finds him trying. They broke off negotiations. Daphne doesn't want Nancy to suspect Carl's involved. He won't let her talk about Rachel. He disappeared as Nancy appeared asking who Daphne had been talking to.

Victoria expressed concern over Marley's lack of a man to Carter. She means what's the story with Jake. She asked him to call her if Marley seemed upset. He doesn't want to get involved.

"As far as I'm concerned the hats are for effect." Donna and the reporter are cuh-razy about each other. [About as cuh-razy about each other as Donna and most of the women in Bay City.] Donna signed a contract saying she'd give them the dirt and they wouldn't use her name. Peter came home and Donna got rid of the reporter [concealing her identity].

Daphne said she had been on the phone. Nancy sat down to write postcards. She misses Ada. Left alone she decided to make a little bitty phone call. She called Daphne in perplexity to ask why she'd heard someone else talking to Daphne and why the phone was unplugged. Daphne convinced her not to call home so soon.

Jake's going to take Marley to dinner. She doesn't care what Donna thinks. She thinks he thinks she's more perfect than she is. I don't understand the turn the conversation took but he informed her she was in charge of life, art, and philosophy and he was in charge of Them in case she started feeling noble again. She agreed. They decided laughter was exciting. They kissed rather a lot and were happy and went their separate ways. Victoria ran into Jake "fancy meeting you here."

Carl apologized to Daphne for behaving strangely. She's not appeased. She shut him up.

Hawk told Chris they had to do something. He lost Nancy. She doesn't seem to know anything. Chris won't call the police. They have to find Nancy.

Victoria listened to Marley showering and yelled at Jake. He left. She's singing Cockeyed Optimist, the showering one. Victoria left a gift for her and a note.

Nancy is upset because the guards won't let her leave. Daphne explained it was because so young and beautiful in a strange city but she'll be let off the leash if she keeps Daphne advised of her plans.

Jake intends to make more money than old man Love every thought of making. Carter wonders what he's trying to prove and to whom.

Fayez and Daphne are afraid of what Carl might do to Nancy. Fayez in particular.

Marley likes looking after little pumpkinhead. She got to talking with Carter about fathers. She wishes she could learn more about her father. Marley found Victoria's note saying she wanted her to call and called. Victoria said she'd stopped seeing Jake because she'd been a mere substitute.

Jake told Bridget it was over between him and Victoria. She feels her family's being messed up. He promised they'd spend her birthday together. He told her she should leave the Loves because that witch Donna was using her. She said he was a fine one to talk.

Chris couldn't find Nancy in any of the hotels.

Peter found Bridget with Jake and expressed surprise. They got out of it. Bridget left. Peter tried to talk to Jake but Maisie interrupted.

Donna visited Marley. Marley got weird. They calmed down after a bit. Marley called her mother and asked about daddy.

Hawk had checked out real estate agents but made very little headway. They have a clue as to where Carl could be. [An area in which he could support himself in the style to which he is accustomed.]

Jake ran into Bridget and promised they'd have a wonderful time on her birthday.

Donna doesn't want Marley to muck about in the past. She wouldn't give the father's last name. Marley said she'd find things out without her help.

Chris demanded evidence from Carl. Carl finds him tiresome so he hung up, planning to keep Nancy a while longer.


